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Image Comments posted by anders_fredrickson



    I like this photo. I think at least one woman liked it as well...the one who posed for it. I like the lighting, except for the extreme darkness on the left foot, althought maybe that balances the shadows on the face . I also like the texture on the floor behind her. It seems the overall balance of the image exists outside the "offensive" pose.


    What does it mean? I have no clue. I definitely don't see it as exploitative. Provocative yes, but is that really bad?


    I think the photographer did succeed in getting the "message" across...it IS provocative.

  1. super cool pic...when I saw the thumbnail show up in critique, I also thought it was people, maybe superimposed. Then when I saw the large version, I wondered how you got inside a pussy willow.


    How did you keep water droplets off the lens, or did you zoom-in to get the shot?

    Spray me!


    I think I like the tree. It continues a diagonal line, with a kid in the foreground, middle, and tree in background. I might want to lose the branch on the tree to stay with the vertical motif, but only in Photoshop(wouldn't want to hurt a tree). Great comedic stance on the sprayee.

    Q. Why don't adults act like this more often?

    A. Because they don't want to get their camera wet!

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