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Posts posted by terry_spade

  1. David Feldbruegge,


    All Photoshop CS3, no plug ins. I started with the photo I color corrected. Copied the back ground layer, this became my top layer. On this top layer, I then did a Gaussian Blur radius 3 pixels. While holding down the alt key I clicked the layer mask icon. This gave me an inverted mask. I set that layers Opacity to 50%. Click on the mask to activate it. I used a brush set to 40% hardness 100% Opacity. I sized the brush to fit between the eyebrow and the edge of the eyelid. I then brushed over every part of her face avoiding the eyes, lips, nostrils, eyebrows.


    I then merged the layers. I then added a layer, set to color, painted her lips with color # 9E6554. I decided that I wasn?t happy with the color, so I control clicked the lip layer. This gave me lip selection, which I added a hue/sat layer set master hue to -10.


    I merged layers again. Used the dodge tool set to 0% hardness, midtones, exposure 5%. And brushed the dark spots away under her eyes.


    Used the brush set to color # D28F69, 15% Opacity and brushed under her eyes between the eyes and eyebrows and any place else I felt needed it.


    Also used the healing brush on the bridge of her nose.

  2. 1) Started with levels. Brought the end points for each channel.


    2) Selective color, choose yellows and drag the yellow slider all the way to the left. Choose neutrals, Cyan +15 Yellow -7 Black -14.


    3) With a layer mask on the selective color layer. I used a 50 % gray and 20% gray brush on the right side to tone down the blue brought out by the Selective color layer.


    Then I lost the rest of my history states. But I used a Curves Layer and another Selective Color layer.


    I also used color ebf2f8 with your brush set to color at 10% softness set to 50% and brush over the snow to the left.


    Anyway some Ideas to play with.



  3. Started out with the pam11before.


    Levels: adjusted each channels end points.


    Did some healing brush spotting.


    Duplicate layer.


    Used gaussian blur on top layer radius 4.


    Hold down alt key and click layer mask icon.

    I set my brush tool at 40% and painted over entire skin holding down left button entire time. Avoid eyes hair etc.


    Flatten image. Add layer change to color blend. Using RGB color R 205 G177 B 153, I adjusted brush to about 20%, and painted entire skin and hair. But avoid the eyes.


    Flatten image.


    Copy the red channel and paste as a layer. Change blend mode of layer to soft light and set to 50%. Erase the eyes on the red channel layer. Select eyes by control clicking them on red channel layer. Use a Hue/Saturation layer and desaturate blue and cyan by 100% each.


    Add new layer set to color blend mode and color the eyes to suite you. I couldn't tell weather the eyes were brown or green.



  4. I was trying to shoot Hummingbirds Sunday using my new 200mm f/2.8 L lens with a Kenko Pro 300 1.4x teleconverter, and 580EX II Flash, on my 5D. I shot this cat who also had an interest in the hummingbirds. Took this picture hand held. This is straight jpg. I only sharpened it a little because downsizing softened it. Not a great shot but the eye detail amazed me.


    The Kenko Pro 300 2x teleconverter is next on my list. The 200mm f/2.8 L is a great lens. And with both teleconverters, will give me more versatility.<div>00NT88-40062884.jpg.3aeadc960a3708f88821a315f7c7f418.jpg</div>

  5. Excellent pictures. Did you shoot black-n-white in camera? Or post process? Did you have any vignetting that needed fixing? If so what method did you use?


    I have this Camera and lens combo. But I have not installed the software as of yet. I use CS2. But I have only had this camera for a couple of months.


    Vignetting has never bothered me as I have always noticed it in 35mm years ago. After awhile I stopped noticing it.


    I have heard that Ansel Adams would burn in the edges of some of his photos in the darkroom. As he felt this would enhance the photo.

  6. I have a Vivitar 28 mm 2.5 lens that I bought years ago for my Spotmatic F. I bought an adapter and tried it on my 5D. I found it hard to focus. I figured out it lacked contrast. The 24 to 105 zoom was easer to manually focus because it had better contrast. The contrast difference between the two lens was also very apparent, in the test photos I took.


    So you might need to take a good look at your lenses as well. It may be time for new glass as well.

  7. Jay,


    The Kirk's Mighty Low-Boy is exactly what I?m looking for thanks.


    Ross & Alan,


    That is a nice set up. But it put me in sticker shock. I know, I know, since June 29 I?ve spent nearly $5000.00 on this camera and accessories. But the spending fever has cooled down. And funds are low. I?ll check out the links Alan, thanks.


    It?s a good thing I don?t have a wife, to explain this to. But after the second one I decided photography is cheaper than a wife. ;-)

  8. I?m looking for opinions on a good stout but short tripod. I have a manfrotto

    3221WN with the 3030 manfrotto head. But would like something shorter. Say

    something about 12 to 14 inches when fully collapsed. I have a Canon 5D, with a

    24-105mm f/4 L IS USM lens and 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens. I also have the

    MR-14EX Macro Ring Lite. I plan on buying the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Telephoto

    Zoom Lens about Nov. I would use this short tripod mostly with the macro lens

    and ring flash. But also as a second tripod when I bring along my 4 x 5 camera.

    I also like shooting wide angles close to the ground. When I think it suit?s the




  9. I made a copy, converted the copy to monochrome, did a gaussian blur of radius 2 (you will need a higher radius number with a larger file) inverted the monochrome to a negative. Copied the negative monochrome and pasted it over the color image as a layer. Set the monochrome layer mode to soft light. I also used selective color to tone down the red in the skin tones. I choose the reds adjusted black to -50.<div>00LxRh-37583284.jpg.faa5fb79b74ec521b366b24eede193b3.jpg</div>
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