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Posts posted by jason_holzheimer1

  1. Wondering about pushing a film like 100 Delta up to EI 200

    (developed in Microphen) versus pulling a film like Ilford 400 Delta

    down to EI 200 (developed in Perceptol). [i mention these developers

    only because that's what Ilford suggests at EI 200.] I appreciate

    that there is no substitute for doing one's own testing, but having

    said that, I would also appreciate any thoughts on what differences

    I could expect from these two "eqivelant" approaches. Grain,

    contrast, shadow detail: Where would I gain, and where would a lose?


    Actually, I have essentially the same question about pushing 400

    Delta up to EI 1600 versus "pulling" 3200 Delta down to EI 1600. On

    this question however there seems to be plenty of info/opinions in

    the forums. The general concensus seems to be that the pushed Delta

    400 will result in finer grain, higher contrast and much less shadow

    detail. But if I'm mistaken about this I would also love to know.


    See I meant to ask one question but couldn't help myself and wound

    up asking two. Sorry. More importantly, thanks for your thoughts.


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