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Image Comments posted by timcorridan

    Majestic Edge

    better than the other, i'd be tempted to crop out the sky again though, and some bottom to. hold up some pieces of paper to your moniter and see what i mean... or whatever looks better to you, nice cloud shadows
  1. horizon is uneven, crop the entire sky out, and your left with a better pic. then see what black and white looks like. the grand canyon is a tough one, because of haze. alot of pro's hear the weather forcast say a windy, cold front is moving in and they pack their bags... clears out the crap in the air...

    american dream2

    it's tough to rate and crituiqe this photo. i'd wish the horizon was better. hey how about a crop. crop the photo down to the horizon or just a tiny above or below, if it looks good to you. take out all that distracting sky out. a great oportunity photo. 5/7
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