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jay dougherty

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Posts posted by jay dougherty

  1. This might sound like a buyer's remorse question, but it is only

    partially. I got the Canon 500mm f/4 IS lens thinking that the larger

    600 would be too heavy and therefore left at home in the end. But I

    do find myself wanting to photograph small birds and get close, and

    it's clear to me early on that the 500 is too short for this, even

    with the 1.4x, if I want to get in tight. On the other hand, I'm

    liking the mfd of the lens and its *relative* portability. I have a

    Wimberley and am very happy with that, as well as a Gitzo 1329 - like

    that as well. Should I just invest more in technique, blinds, etc.,

    to get closer, or am I really just putting off the inevitable and

    sacrificing the quality of my shots by not going directly to the

    600mm f/4 IS? What have been your thoughts / experiences with this


  2. >>Let me inflame a lot of people by made a definitive statement: at the end of the day there isn't a dimes worth of difference between the two: the differences are imperceptable.<<


    I use both Canon and Nikon systems, and I disagree totally. There's as much substantive difference between Canon and Nikon as there is between the words "dimes" and "dime's." Ahem.


    Photos coming from Canon systems have a Canon look; Canon's IS lenses, especially the big glass, enable shots that the Nikon system cannot currently approach.

  3. Shun, I already have both systems. I've done and do macro work with both and don't prefer one over the other. I bought into Canon primarily for its long IS lenses, which Nikon hasn't deigned to offer. The long macro lenses from both companies seem a toss-up on paper. Pity that we don't have IS on these long lenses. I feel it helps - certainly doesn't hurt.
  4. I'm in the enviable (I suppose) position of being able to choose a

    long macro lens for the work I do. I can use either Canon or Nikon.

    What I'm wondering is, after reading all the threads that deal with

    either but not both together, which one is better? Has anyone used

    both and walked away with a preference?

  5. Someone suggested I post this query here.


    Does anyone know whether Canon silently "improves" its IS technology

    without a major announcement. Take the 300 f/4L IS, for example. This

    lens has been out for a few years. Has the original IS implementation

    in this lens been upgraded in any way? Any info is appreciated.

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