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Posts posted by glenn_losack

  1. for the past 6 years i have been using my G3 pismo and external smart disk cdr

    and firelite drives to store images. This year as i head to the Dom Rep with

    Nikon D80 and D200 i was thinking on also buying the Macbook pro intel. But.. im

    not in a hurry to do so and would like to see what comes out in the spring when

    Leopard comes out.

    Do any of you NOT burn while away and just store on mini external drives? Would

    you feel safe with this method ( ill be shooting all RAW/NEFS and storing them

    on a 30GB,80GB and a 20GB ipod-thats three different devices to ensure their

    safe storage and return ).

    No files would be burned. Do you trust this idea?



  2. n spite of its existence i never thought NView would be helpful until yesterday

    when i started to see how it allowed me to rotate D100 NEFS.

    and to auto fix and see if my images were sharp so as to keep or trash them. I

    got hooked. I then went to my D80 files and it doesnt work.

    I am told that D200 is NIKON VIEW compatible. Many of my files are malrotated

    when they appear on the desktop of OSX.4.8. I need to rotate them 90 CCW or CW.

    I cant do that with D80 NEFS now!

    can you please tell me if you are soon to make NVIEW ( its great ) compatible

    with the D80???



  3. ive got to understand this.

    Companies have asked me to submit my work.

    In fact they have stated that they loved my work.


    They make it sound wonderful and then these words are stated

    "grant us worldwide exclusivity on a per image basis".

    that does mean that i cant send it to another agency once ive agreed

    to that, right? Is this the normal way of doing things?

    Arent i locking myself into one agency when another one could get good

    sales from the photo as well?

    Are most agencies working this way?


    does one stay away from these agencies that want exclusive rights?

    what to do?



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