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Image Comments posted by victor_bazarov1


    I am not saying polarizers should be used more, but in this case the hotspot can probably be removed by use of a polarizer. Not sure what it'd do to the beautiful glass, though. Just a thought...
  1. It's not always possible, probably almost never is an option, but if I had a choice when photographing such an interesting subject, trying to make an impact by drawing attention to the eyes, I'd definitely played down the hat. Stripes dominate too much, for my liking anyway. Maybe a tighter crop?...




    It's a very nice picture. The contrast between the bright and the dark areas is fine, although I'd expect it to be a bit more dramatic on a sunny day like this. Also, for some reason (possibly an artifact of PS work) the picture seems a bit soft even when viewed 'large'.


    I love the mountains, though. They are like a hint that there's still the rest of the world out there. Nice emotional contrast with the coziness of the old street stones.

    Girona - Spain

    I think it's a very nice photo from the exposure/tones point of view. I have some fear of heights, so when I look at this scene and do not see the [firm] ground I get a very uncomfortable feeling like I am about to fall. It may as well be the intended effect...
  2. The picture is really good. The exposure is right on, the crop it just right. Congrats on a very good shot!


    I would only fix two things. And let me make a disclaimer that it's all in MHO only. First, the horizon just have to be horizontal when shooting architecture. Whether you do it when you take the shot or later when you scan the picture it doesn't matter. Second, if you rotate the picture so that the horizon is where it has to be, the other thing becomes obvious: since the steeple is not in the middle of the frame, it comes out tilted to the left (already, and more when you get the horizon fixed). That suggests that you need to frame the shot so that the steeple is in the very middle and crop later to the desired composition. If you get a chance again, try it, see if it works better.


    Best regards and good shooting!

  3. Without the caption it looks like a frame from one of those Pentagon videos where their guided bomb is about to destroy an enemy installation. The caption, however, does make one think of a remote location and the reasons why nobody comes here any more... I'd probably try to position the horizon off the middle to show more of the desert and less of the sky, but that's just me. It's a very nice shot.

    man running

    I can't get past the weirdness of his pose. If he really were running, he'd have the opposite arm and leg forward, and he's got both right arm and right leg there. While technically it's probably a good shot (although I'd try to make his trousers lit a bit more), I'd not use it in a real advert if it were up to me. Just my two cents worth...

    Hard work!

    It's a very nice catch. Just as an exercise, try a diffusor or a bounce flash next time (instead of the straight-on or even the built-in one), it might give a bit more natural feel to the portrait. I know, I know, one does not always have time for these contraptions... Best of luck!

    My sister

    Did you mean it to be rotated this way? I get dizzy when I look at it, is that the desired effect? A shallower focus might also improve it a tad, but overall it's a nice shot.

    Tibetan boy


    I cannot really be considered "experienced", but here goes... To me it's a very nice shot. Maybe if you could get lower a couple of feet, and get some hills/mountains into the background, it'd be just a tad more interesting... But I suspect there was probably no chance because you already were low enough and the boy and his horse were standing in the low part of a ravine or something like that, am I close?


    BTW, very nice colors!

  4. Paraphrasing an old joke, the hardest part about writing on an egg is getting the egg into the typewriter.


    I'd probably make the shadow fully enclosed in the frame (instead of cropped at the right) and maybe have a bit more even lighting.. But what do I know? Nice photo.

  5. Very good colours. Just the right time to take a picture. Did you know that you can correct any accidental camera tilt when scanning? I took the liberty of rotating your picture 1.5 degrees clockwise, it seems Prague deserves it. BTW, is that a small dam? The water is so calm there closer to the embankment...


    Anyway, nice shot. I wish I were there.

  6. I noticed that other photos in your folder don't have any problem with verticality. In this one the towers are leaning to the right about one degree. I don't think it was intentional. It's possible that the darkness affected your judgement.


    Night shots are inherently difficult, don't get discouraged. And don't take me too seriously, I'm still learning as well.


    Best of luck!

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