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Image Comments posted by orpheus

  1. William, if i only included the reflection, there would actually be less impact b/c the surrounding architecture helps to put the reflection in context...otherwise, it would just look like a reflection or worse yet...seeing through some bars with the sky as the background...In Vancouver, there's very few LARGE scale mirror structures which fit together so perfectly and is in such new condition...most of the window sets in the downtown area and other places contain either other buildings which don't allow for such a reflection, or are purposely made such that they don't produce an overall FLAT reflective surface, producing a picture like this.


    As for Robin, I did consider shooting at it straight on but I didn't for two reasons: first, changing my position such that I have a "heads" on view doesn't capture all the clouds like this; to the left of the cloud reflection, there is only blue sky...this was the best angle to capture the most clouds. Secondly, if you look really carefully, the angle of the cloud formation is actually slanted in such a way that taking the picture from this particular angle actually "deslants" it giving a more unique flattening of the depth of the clouds...

  2. Just trying out some sunset silhouette pictures...It's really too bad my scanner sucks...really couldn't rectify (even using Adobe Photoshop and CorelPaint) the contrast imbalance with the lower left...the actual picture is sharper and has less of a light to dark gradient from right to left...although the colour gradient is actually almost as shown...


    A surprisingly engaging piece. Visually, the focus is on the meter in the background, but b/c the print is sideways, the mind tends to "ignore" it, giving way to the painfully obvious out-of-focus foreground valve, but b/c it's out of focus, the attention shifts back to the meter, and then back again...Interestingly enough, the moment you rotate the image (or your head) so that the numbers/words are horizontal and upright, the focus almost indefinitely stays with the meter...8)


    A very beautiful picture...altough i'm wondering whether a diffrent background colour would have enhanced the details of the flower...but then again, the consistency of colours gives the picture an overall mellow and serene tone.
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