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John Seaman

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by John Seaman

  1. John Seaman

    Water Droplets

    From the album: John Seaman

    At Leicester University Botanic Garden, it had just stopped raining.
  2. John Seaman

    Corn Flowers

    From the album: John Seaman

    At Leicester University Botanic Garden. Now they are gone, their little patch has been grassed over
  3. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

    At Leicester University Botanic Garden
  4. John Seaman

    Bracket Fungus

    From the album: John Seaman

    The Dryad's Saddle, Polyporus Squamosus
  5. John Seaman

    Old Mans Beard

    From the album: John Seaman

    Or Traveler's Joy
  6. Mike, wow! Thanks. I include the exif data for the simple reason that I don't know how to remove it. I've hardly looked at my portfolio since the PN "upgrade", to be honest I found it rather hard to actually find. Hopefully the thing has settled down now and people seem to be quite active in the Gallery area. Anyway I was prompted by your post to revisit it and eventually worked out how to set up a new album with my name, and add some newer pictures to it. I'm confused though by the process of adding captions, tags and notes whereby it does not seem to be possible to add these to older images. Or indeed, to new ones - unless within the 15 minute editing limit?
  7. Joe, out of curiosity I googled these and found two reviews which may help: https://www.talkphotography.co.uk/threads/review-lencarta-safari-heads-and-ring-light.266649/ https://www.talkphotography.co.uk/threads/initial-review-of-the-lencarta-safari-600-ringflash-and-head.114813/
  8. John Seaman

    The Rocketship

    From the album: John Seaman

    Play equipment in park near my home
  9. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  10. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  11. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  12. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  13. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  14. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  15. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  16. John Seaman

    Propped Up.jpg

    From the album: John Seaman

  17. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  18. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  19. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  20. John Seaman


    From the album: John Seaman

  21. Thanks for the comment. The vignette was in the original image due to the equipment used. I find it an attractive feature, when not over-used. Thanks again
  22. Thanks for your kind words Mike. I guess I'm a bit of a gear head and sometimes let the nuts and bolts of making the image override the actual content.
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