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Posts posted by c._h._h.

  1. Hello,


    Recently I was checking to see if there was any light getting

    through the shutter curtains by performing the flashlight test.

    Would shining that very bright light into that mirror chamber with

    the mirror locked up damage the auto focusing or light metering

    sensors? Or when the mirror is locked up, (Elan 7E), does that

    cover these sensors up from light, and any possible damage?



    Thank you,

    Christian H. Hunter


  2. I would really appreciate it if you could explain to me how bright

    light interferes with the exposure before the shutter is released,

    when the mirror is in the up position. Does some light get through

    the shutter curtains to the film, and if so how so? Or, does bright

    light interfere with the automatic exposure settings that were set

    accordingly for the picture before the mirror was locked up?



    Thank you

  3. Hello,


    I understand that clear filters should be used to keep the lens from

    getting scratched or dirty. I would like to know what a UV filter

    does? Can a lens get damaged from direct sunlight? I don't mean by

    the heat that sunlight produces but by sunlight entering the lens

    directly. Is that what a UV filter is for?


    Thanks for the help,


  4. Hello,


    I recently purchased a 75-300mm USM lens. I noticed that when the

    zoom part of the lens is extended, (the top part that extends out),

    there is some play, it is a little loose, between that part and the

    body of the lens where the zoom ring is located. The focusing ring

    is also a little loose. Is this normal? I would think that the

    lenses in the lens would have to be in perfect alignment. When

    replying to this remember that I said, "A LITTLE LOOSE".


    Thank you,


  5. Hello,


    I'm curious to know if a negative's quality is based on the quality

    of the exposing process during processing? Can the negatives

    quality be lessened after the picture is taken, or once the picture

    is taken that is the permanent quality, no matter were you take the

    film for processing?

  6. Hello,


    I recently cleaned the mirror on my new ELAN 7E because it looked

    like there was some residue on the mirror from manufacturing. It

    looked like little specks of something. So I used a dry q-tip to

    remove them. I only pressed hard enough to take them off. Now,

    some people are saying that it's ok to use a q-tip on the mirror and

    some people are saying that it is not ok. Because it scratches it.

    I looked very closely at the mirror after I cleaned it and it looked

    spotless, better than it looked when I first purchased the camera.

    How can a SOFT q-tip, with barely any pressure applied, scratch

    something as hard as the mirror surface? Besides when camera

    servicing centers clean the mirror, they must use something simmilar

    to a q-tip, because there isn't anything softer, or not much

    softer. How can a SLIGHTLY scratched mirror affect the outcome of

    your pictures anyway, when it is used in a pre shutter release stage?

  7. Hello,


    I recently purchased a Canon Elan 7E QD. I'm aware that the shutter

    curtains are one of the most delicate and sensitive components of

    the camera. I happened to notice that the curtains, (though not

    bent or anything like that), don't really lie perfectly flat on each

    other. I noticed this when i hold it under light and view the

    curtains at a very slant view (bottom-up). Is this common? Do I

    have to do anything? By the way, when viewed straight the curtains

    look perfectly ok. Even if the curtains are slightly damaged,

    (slightly bent), do they overlap enough so that stray light CANNOT

    enter to the film. I appreciate your help on this matter.

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