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Image Comments posted by peter_daalder

    Rural Views


    This is what I usually call a "location shot".

    Nothing particularly great about it, though I will immediately qualify that by adding the comment that this local scenery is very, very familiar to me.

    In case you're wondering, it was the spectacular display of clouds that made me pull over and grab the shot. I never get tired of the endless variety of celestial displays - by day, or night...

    Thanks very much for stopping by, Lannie!

  1. I wasn't expecting to read any kind of feedback on these most recent uploads.

    So, it was a very pleasant surprise indeed to find your comments, Lannie.

    With regards to the "High Noon" situation, I have to admit that I am generally challenged by the local (summer) conditions from December to the end of February. Even in beautiful Tasmania, the light becomes extraordinarily 'harsh', when the Sun rides high in the sky...

  2. Cheers, Lannie!

    I don't routinely check My Workspace and was lucky to catch your set of recent comments on my latest images, so soon afterwards...

    Most, if not all of the time, this is my default entry into the world of PN, these days.

    The details for this one are, shot under the most recent Full Moon, on the 20th of April, with some obvious help of outside floodlights.

    The exposure time was 20 seconds at f5.6 and an ISO setting of 400 on my Canon 5D.



    G'day David,

    This is a great reflection shot taken in awesome location. I'm not surprised that you would like to return to these kind of landscapes.

    A couple of your previous commentators made some observations that I could agree with. Your scan of this Velvia slide does lean towards a cyan cast.

    It has been a long while since I've edited a submitted image to accompany a comment/critique. So, I hope you don't mind my amended version attached herewith...




    Landscape photography is my main interest, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I landed in this folder of yours.

    Very much enjoyed the overall scenery to be found here, but your approach and treatment of this particular subject moved me to leave a comment.

    The low point of view and toning really appeals to me. The framing adds a nice finishing touch, in this instance.

  3. Hi Arthur, I extracted this from a single exposure, using a combination of raw conversion settings and PS adjustments. As well as, some selective dodging and burning.

    Les, Rejith and Massimo, thanks very much for your views and comments!

    Passing Storm


    Ken, I can see how we can now snatch victory from the "Jaws of Defeat" with this wonderful invention.

    I hope you meant to say, © InflataForeground ® ™

    How much and where do we get it? I'll have three...



    Matthew, please allow me to congratulate you on the birth of your son, Aiden.

    It should not be too hard for anyone to understand that this little bundle of joy is the love of your life.

    I also had a quick look at a previous shot and thought that one to be equally worthy of submitting for critique.

    The fact that here we have eye contact with your subject is good. I assume that the main light source might have been outdoor light entering through a window perhaps and you have utilized a fill flash, to accentuate Aiden's eyes and lovely smile.

    I find the tight framing less appealing, though you may have wanted the viewer(s) to concentrate on his expression alone.

    Hang in there... Don't give up on PN just yet. I've read that anonymous ratings might soon only be possible, by accompanying them with a comment. Check out some of Josh Root's most recent forum postings.

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