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Posts posted by peter_daalder

  1. Mike, <a href="http://www.photo.net/site-feedback-forum/00Nggm">this thread </a> from December 2007, might be of

    interest to you.<br> An overhaul, or replacement, of the category system might be one of the things that are

    under consideration.

    <p>Meanwhile, is there an explanation for the continued existence

    of <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo-critique-forum/?category=uncategorized"> this link </a> on the Critique Forum


  2. G'day Jeff,<p>I'm wondering if we have both experienced the same annoying advertisement...<br>The one that I am

    referring to, is not a popup, but rather one of the rollover variety.<p>I was browsing the Gallery late on

    Thursday night and whilst viewing individual images, one of these advertisements appeared on the right hand side

    of the page, in the area below the photo(s).<br>In general, I don't pay much attention to any advertisements and


    didn't expect that an Adobe Flash Player application was about to get underway, after I unwittingly passed my

    mouse over that area of the screen.<p>Suddenly, this rather <b>loud</b> epic movie music started coming from my


    followed by the voice over. <br>To say that I was startled by it, is putting it mildly...<p>The advertisement in

    question, can be found on <a href="http://www.meetthelocals.com.au/">this site.</a> If you <b>click</b> on the little

    video screen at bottom right (don't just point at it), which carries the title "The Locals", you can view this

    video. If you minimize (bottom right) the full screen view, you can get a fair idea of how the add appeared on

    the photo.net pages.<p>As is often the case, I can't find any of these rollover advertisements on PN tonight. Of


  3. G'day John,<p><i>I have been using canon equipment for the past 10+ years and happy with the quality of there equipment</i><p>

    I think that is all that matters...<br>Sure, I appreciate that the LCD on my Canon 5D is larger than either of my previous DSLRs, but the (apparent) lack of pixels doesn't particularly bother me. At best, it only needs to give me some indication of the histogram. I carefully frame the image through the viewfinder and don't have a need to re-check the composition on the LCD.<p> Of course, that is just my opinion.

  4. Kristina, you'll find that your Image Pro workspace is private. <br>I'm assuming that you landed on <a

    href="www.imagepro.photography.com/kristinakulawright"> this page, </a> whilst your web browser still had an

    active cookie for the Image Pro website.<br>When anyone else goes to the linked page, they'll be presented with

    the login screen.<p>You will also find that your name is listed on the Image Pro <a

    href="http://www.imagepro.photography.com/pbp/public/photographerDirectory.ipro?cid=18380"> Photographers

    Directory</a> page.

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