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Image Comments posted by vincetylor

  1. A big Mahalo (thanks in Hawaiian) to all of you for sharing your thoughts and comments. I may lessen saturation a bit in furure print editions. I will also look carefully at adding a measure of density to the left corner...probably a good idea. This image has always encouraged spiritual awareness for me...and hope it has done the same for some of you! Thanks again.


    Best to all,


  2. Your Bio is a fraud...you are quite good!! This is fantastic. The rocks on the bottom ground this image nicely. The entire frame is filled with something exciting to look at. This one beats it's twin hands down in my opinion. Good work!



    I like the composition here. If you took this into Photoshop and added a little saturation and contrast I believe it would enhance this significantly. I took a few minutes with it on my own, just to give you an idea. I would suppose that this is actually closer to what you saw. Nice job.


    A Broken Dream

    The title tells the story well in my opinion. I am not sure how this would sell, but to the insurance company which you probably already were compensated from. The image is sharp with details clear and easy to read. The end of the camera has been cut off but no big deal....Hope this helps.
  3. Nice to find you here. Another photographer referred me to this place. It is definitely filled with talent. I need to go back to shooting and editing and less posting ...if you know what I mean. Take care.



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