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Posts posted by dave_nitsche

  1. You said... "If the main customers are the photograhers who upload photos, what do they want? Some of them want "critique"; some of them want "community""


    Then why not give both? Might be a perfect time to get the 'comment only' thing rolling? Sounds like it should help both 'customers'. I think you will find (as other sites have) that the comment you made later in the paragraph is true. You said "From the reaction to the latest changes, it seems that "community" was a pretty big part of the motivation of photographers uploading photos". Most want community over critique. That doesn't negate the fact that many want critique, just that they are in the minority.


    I have mentioned 'comment only' a few times and I know I probably sound like a broken record. This will be the last time. Unless of course someone else starts a conversation up... :-)

  2. Brian, I really dig the new interface. I think the folder presentation

    is much nicer. I have one idea though...


    When you open a folder all the thumbnails are there on a grey

    background and centered. When you click for the details the background

    that the thumbnails are on turns white and the everything is left

    justified. Is it possible in detail 'mode' to have the images center

    and remain on a grey BG? Not sure how the type will read that way.


    Probably a silly comment but I just thought I would mention it.

  3. Interesting. I think it's great. It organizes images with most recent images first, so people with dial up will see the most recent images in a folder first. The information is still there just like before. By default the details are tuned off and then you had to hit the link to view the rating and view info.


    I think it is really nice...


    One thought... Could there be a way to give comments to the entire folder? I think that would be nice.

  4. Keith, I sort of gave the same answer to you in another thread. To be visible on a site this size takes effort. You are going to have to get out there and comment a bit. Just putting up images and not giving input to others will relegate the images for sure.


    Someone put it great on another thread. To get comments you have to give comments.

  5. Brian, I have stayed out of this conversation up till now, but statements like this need to be commented on



    "We didn't make the change for the sake of the people who are currently participating. Those people presumably liked the system, more or less, since they were taking part. We made the change for the sake of people who might participate if the system were different, in the hopes that more would arrive, and stay longer, than would leave because of dissatisfaction with the change."


    So let me understand this; It is more important to totally disreguard the older patrons here (by your own words the majority probably likes the system), the PAYING customers, in hopes that some more new people will come, the majority of which will never contribute a nickle? Is that what I am hearing?


    If so, glad to see my 3 year subscription means so much to you. That is really an insult Brian.

  6. I just looked at the top page (the default 3 day page that comes up) and looked specifically at the first 3 pages. Man there are some great images in there...


    Lets not forget that not everyone bastardizes the system. There are some truly gifted people in there. The events of the last 3 days is leaving the impression on me that many think that the only reason these people got there is because they hand out high scores all the time. That is insulting to some of them I am sure.


    Go look there are some brilliant pieces there...

  7. I am using a 550 triggered by a Canon ST-E2 IR trigger. What I want is

    a full power blast no matter what I set the camera at. I just want

    the flash to go off full bore.


    I have read the manual over and over but can't get a full blast to

    happen at anything over the sync speed (500th on my 1D).


    Any help would be appreciated...

  8. This has been brought up SOOOO many times and that's probably why people aren't responding.


    I have said it before and I will say it again. The ability to create presentations is p.net's feather in the cap and it goes ignored and unused. IMO it is what seperates it from the other sites out there. All the others have ratings, comments etc. P.net is the ONLY with a presentation option. It is called "the purple cow" in business. The one idea that seperates you from the competition.


    There are many here (myself included) who would love to pick up the ball on this. I understand the constrains on Brians time. I am the first to claim I would rather have the site running smooth than have him playing with a 'feature presentation' option. Delegate it. Again, there are many who would like to help.

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