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Image Comments posted by chuston


    Might have benefited from moving the women toward the bottom of the frame and moving/zooming in to limit the subject to the women, bridge, hillside - leaving the height of the bridge to the imagination.
  1. I like the dark coat - the man seems to barely exist. I like the hidden face - it fits his role in the picture.


    The picture could be brighter - or at least stronger highlights (my opinion) - but it may be perfect if hung properly (good choice of mat/frame and lighting.)


    Regarding old worn out ideas: 99% of photos are formulaic and have been shot before - however it doesn't change anything about their ability to communicate with the viewer. There are many great pictures that use ideas much like other great pictures and they're still... great.


    (Bender: should we all stop taking b&w pictures of jagged snow covered peaks, b&w's of old wrinkly faces with youthful eyes staring into the lens? night-time bridges slashing accross the frame with headlights streaking? No more landscapes? No more portraits? I still like 'em - especially when I know it's my shot)


    Be proud your eye caught the scene, that you composed it well and designed the exposure that captured the image you had in mind - AND it looks good!


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