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Posts posted by michael_joubert

  1. I am trying to update the firmware on my Espon 4000 but get the error

    message "Communication error" in the Printer Service Utility 2. I

    have unistalled and reinstalled the latest driver, status monitor,

    and Printer Service Utility 2 several times. I have also tried to

    use every available port, USB and firewire, and still get the

    commuinication error. I'm running Windows XP home edition. Any

    ideas what the problem could be? Any suggestions?




  2. I scanned a piece of 4x5 positive film last night on my Epson 3200 at

    1200 dpi and noticed some strange circles appearing towards the

    center of the sheet, shaped like a finger print. (They are not in

    fact figer print marks on the film - it has never been handled). I

    thought it may been something in the emulsion that the scanner was

    picking up so I tried another sheet and the same thing happened but

    in a slightly different location. As I raised and lowered the

    scanner lid I noticed that the light source was creating these

    circular reflections on the surface of the film. I can only assume

    at this point that it may have something to do with the film 'sagging

    towards the middle and that somehow the light is causing these

    circles? Please take a look at the attached images. The red circle

    identifies the location and size of the circles and the other crop is

    a close up. Anyone else had this problem before? Any suggestions or

    help would be appreciated!!

  3. Never shot a piece of 4x5 in my life. Bought a Schneider Macro

    180mm lens and a Cambo camera. Want to attach lens to lensboard.

    Copals match - 1. Unscrewed rear lens elemment and then unscrewed

    washer/nut. The surface behind the shutter that will make contact

    with the lensboard has a tiny screw in it that sticks out and

    prevents the shutter/lens from mating flat against the lensboard.

    Do I need a washer of some sort to go between the shutter and

    lensboard? Thanks!

  4. I'm in the market for some light to use in photographing artwork.

    I'm new to LF and know very little about the different light options

    available. Most important is the color accuracy of my work so the

    lighting is a very ciritcal part of the the process. I'd like to be

    able to preview the light as well before capture and will most

    probably be working in low light conditions to avoide contaminating

    the color with ambient light so I'll need to be able to see how the

    light is interating with the pianting surface so that I can set them

    in the correct position prior to capture. I have been told that

    strobe lights provide the 'cleanest' light. What would you recommend?

  5. Tim, I'm interested in what you've experiened with Vuescan and Optical. Obviously it makes sense to go for the lower price if it does just as good a job as something more expensive. Just asking but, is there any way could do scan of some film with both the Vuescan and SilverFast driver of the same piece of film and post a portion of it to this string with some comments? I know it's asking a lot so if it's not possible that fine.
  6. Thanks John for your post. I just checked Epsons website and I found out that the 3200 �pro� version ($600) comes bundled with SilverFast Ai which is the full version of SilverFast as well as MonacoEZ. The cheaper option of the 3200 ($400) comes bundled with the entry level SilverFast SE which cannot be upgraded to the full version. I just wanted bring this to the attention of those following this string.


    From what I�ve read on the internet SilverFast is touted the best scanning software available by a respected independent research and review group that specialises in digital capturing devices, and inkjet technology for professional use, http://www.flatbed-scanner-review.org/FLAAR_Digital_Imaging_Center/Digital_Imaging_Technology.html


    The following (very nice) review of the 3200 has a comparison between the Epson driver and the SilverFast driver for large format film and you can see what a difference the driver alone can make. http://www.photo-i.co.uk/Reviews/interactive/Scanners/Epson_3200/page_11.htm


    With MonacoEZ and SilverFast Ai one should be able to establish a pretty good color calibrated workflow however you�ll need to buy the OPTIX sensor to be able to calibrate your monitor, an extra $225 which is essential to a color workflow. In fact, calibrating your monitor is the 1st place to start. Personally I�m considering a NEC/Mitsubishi or a Sony Artisan monitor which are fairly spendy but there�s a reason for that and that is that it will calibrate the monitor hardware unlike MonacoEZ and other popular low-end color management software which will profile the output of your video card and reduce its gamut in the process. (There�s a string somewhere on Photo.net that discusses this).


    No doubt in my mind that the �pro� bundle equips you with some of the best tools available on the market that will push the scanners potential to the max at a VERY aforable price. Well worth the extra $200 in my opinion. (MonacoEZ alone costs $300.)

  7. Thanks SO much for the info and taking the time to share your experience with me. I truly appreciate it.


    I am little confused on some issues though. I was under the impression that transparency film had a narrower dynamic range than negative film. Do I have it the wrong way around?


    I'm going to be shooting in color exclusively and will be sending the film to a lab to be developed or processed. This is one of the reasons I'd prefer to stick with transparency because I need to maintain color accuracy as much as possible and was under the impression that there's more risk of color shifts when having a negative developed at a lab than transparency being processed. What are your thoughts on this?


    I would have to say that color accuracy takes precedence over dynamic range for the work that I'll be doing since most of the prints will be large and probably viewed from about six feet away. If there isn't a tremendous amount of detail in the shadows I think it'll be ok. How do you find the accuracy of the Monaco profiles for those of you that are using the software?

  8. I'm on a tight budget and can't afford the highend Imacon and Nikon

    scanners so I am considering purchasing Epsons new 3200 flatbed

    scanner. If you have expereince with this I'd really appreciate your

    feedback. I've never scanned 4x5 before so I'm not aware of any

    problems one may encounter.

    Thanks, Michael.

  9. I'm researching different methods of caturing art work so that it can

    be printed full size on an inkjet printer.


    So far it appears that a large format camera with a scanning back is

    a good way to go but it's a huge investment - for me at least. I've

    considered using a large format camera with film and then having the

    film drum scanned. Of course there are a lot of problems with

    matching color using this route and also the cost of developing etc.


    Do you have any experience with reprography and if so what would you

    reccommend as a method of digitising art work for high

    quality/professional reproduction?

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