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Posts posted by vance_kerslake__london__en

  1. I was in Scotland, Glen Kingie between Lock Quoich and Lock Arkaig two weeks ago and the colours were outstanding! The hills looked like they were on fire so orange and red were the grasses and leaves. Like an idiot I hadn't taken a camera - I'd saved the weight for extra coal and whisky.


    Just got back from a weekend in the Cotswolds and the colours were looking great, not quite at their peak but a couple of days of bad wind and the leaves could all be down on the ground so make the most of it.

  2. I will be taking some photos at a friends wedding in Orkney. The men

    will be in colourful kilts, white shirts and black jackets. The

    bride is in white, I don't know about the bridesmaids. Most

    importantly the whole wedding party are extremely fair skinned.


    My ideal film would be something that can handly the contrast of the

    white dress, black jackets, the colours in the tartan and give a

    slight warm boost to the skin tones.


    Any suggestions? I have a bunch of Kodak Supra 400 in the fridge, is

    this the time to bring it out? I usually do wildlife and landscapes

    and this is new territory for me. Any advice would be greatly




  3. Hi,


    I am looking to replace my 75-300mm zoom which I use mostly for

    wildlife (which at this focal lenght usually means big tame ducks and

    stuff) because it seems quite soft, especially at the 300mm end.


    Now, I would love to buy one of the glamour L lenses like a 70-200,

    100-400 or 300 prime, but I do not have the budget for one of those

    dream lenses.


    The old EF 100-300mm f5.6L is available quite cheaply. Can anyone

    tell me if it is noticeably sharper than the 75-300mm? Is the 100-

    300 compatible with either the older or current 1.4x extenders?


    I've done a search of the archives but there's hardly a mention of

    this lens (except Bob compared it against the 300mm f4 which was

    sharper - no great surprise there).


    If anyone knows anythnig about this lens their comments would be

    greatly appreciated.



  4. Hi,


    I'm looking to buy a 300mm f/4 L in the UK. I'm new to buying

    photography kit and I've been looking at second hand lenses through

    dealers, on ebay, in EOS magazine etc. The prices for used lenses

    seem to be quite high for second hand goods. Do quality lenses

    really hold their value so well? Or am I looking in all the wrong

    places? What is a fair price for a 300mm f/4 L (IS or non-IS) in the



    Any comments, suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  5. I was recently warned against going abroad to purchase camera gear by a very well travelled photographer. Apparently UK customs can catch you out for not paying duty, VAT etc up to 7 years after purchase. This all sounded like a big worry. BUT, I don't actually know anyone who has encountered problems with customs. Has anyone experienced problems with UK customs or heard of anyone having trouble?
  6. I have some dust particles on the underside of the prism in my EOS

    5. I've tried to clean them off with a blower brush several times

    but all that ever seems to do is move them around. Although tiny they

    appear very big and black in the viewfinder. I'm reluctant to apply

    much pressure because it all looks pretty delicate up there. Any

    bright ideas? Has anyone else encountered this problem?

  7. Mike, I also own a 28-105 plus a 75-300. But I bought a 50 f1.8 recently for several reasons:


    a) It will force me to think more about composition


    b) It will force me to move my feet, somthing I seem to forget to do with a zoom lens


    c) It's heaps faster than my zooms so I can shoot in different kinds of light without camera shake or flash


    d) It was the cheapest lens in the Canon range so it seemed worth a gamble


    An added benefit I didn't realise at the time is how much lighter a 50mm prime is than a zoom. I'm more inclined to keep the camera out and around my neck, I shoot vertically more - basically a whole different style of photography. I'm enjoying mine already and I hope you do too.

  8. In the March 2002 edition of EOS Magazine they write:


    "Don't assume that only an L-series lens will give top-quality

    images. Results from lenses such as the EF 50mm f1.8 II, EF 85mm

    f1.8 USM and EF 100mm f2 USM are equally good, even though they don't

    have the features which place them in the professional category"


    I tend to take things in EOS Magazine with a pinch of salt. What is

    the opinion of others? I see these lenses have good reviews in the

    equipment section here. Are the optics really as good as L-series?


    The reason I ask is because like most people I'd like to be using the

    best glass, but L-series is beyond my price range at the moment

    whereas these lenses are not.



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