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bobby douglas

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Image Comments posted by bobby douglas

  1. Actually I'm a nothing because I never paid them any thing but your right I've been a p.neter for 6 years now and you for 7. July 24th I will be a 7 year member. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I first looked at yours and Vincent's pictures. Hey what happened to my POW trophy?


    So if I pay them now I would have a 1 next to my name?


    Still wondering if this was taken on B&W or Velvia 50 then turned into a B&W. Either way I like the shot.


    Luau ...

    Actually both images are very good now I can't decide which I like better but the color doesn't make any difference to me that's just how things look after to many Mi Ties. Gotta go now got the shakes neeeeeed beeeerrrrrr

    Luau ...


    Stage lighting was probably very dim and red so the white balance set to incandescent or something custom would have been the best bet. I like the first one better because the pose and motion blur of the people is very interesting. If the light is red the people will be red... oh well that's just the way it is I think it looks good. You really put that VR II system to work here on your 18-200mm, hey what was the one stop graduated neutral density filter for?


    Later Buddy


    Bobby Douglas

  2. Simple physics dictate that the larger the imaging surface the sharper the image providing your lens is not the bottom of a Coke bottle and your film is not sand paper. Light can only be focused to a curtain point after that it does not get any sharper. For a full frame 24x35mm camera 12 to 17 mega pixels is just fine. (Actually any thing over 12 may be over kill) Want sharper then that and you need a larger imaging area. Techpan is awesome stuff did you process it your self? Reed doesn't do Techpan very well. Does anyone do film processing in the Aspen/Glenwood area? By the way cool shot too.

    The Slum Lord

    Thank You, no just a little D50 with a 50mm F/1.2 lens. I actually took this one to try to get my land lord or should I say slum lord to fix my bathroom but it was to no avail. Maybe a visit from code enforcement will be in there near future.

    The Slum Lord


    With this fine piece of interior architectural photography I could get a job shooting Moen

    bathroom fixtures, but they would not be nearly as beautiful as the one right here in my

    own home.

  3. Didn't really get up to the hills this year to shoot the fall colors. Last year I set aside 10 days and it rained the whole time in the San Juans. Oh well I still have plenty of stuff I should get posted up here so people can yet again fail to understand the complications of large format and trash the ratings on my images. PS nice recent work you guys have up here.


    Later Dudes


    Bob =0)

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