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Posts posted by fino

  1. In a few weeks, I will be travelling to Northern Spain [Llanes,

    Huesca, Barcelona and Madrid]. All I know is B+W photography and have

    little experience with colour. I've seen some nice heavily saturated

    colour photos around recently taken with velvia 50 and think I'll

    take some of the stuff with me [i dont think the 100 version will be

    available in my area in time]


    In case it matters, I use a 500cm/PME45 with 40/80/150 lenses and Lee

    ND Grads and a Lee Linear Polariser.


    I'm interested in peoples views on rating the film, metering and

    bracketing, best times of the day, altitude problems and basically

    anything else of interest.

  2. Can anyone recommend a "toploader" type bag with a shoulder strap

    that would hold a 500cm/PME45 and loaded with any one of

    40cf/80cf/150cf lens with their hoods intact and enough room for one

    or two filters.


    I think the internal dimensions would have to be 17cm wide, 12cm

    high and 30cm long.


    Any suggestions?

  3. >What are those rare occassions?


    Well having to carry all or some of my kit 500cm/pme45/40cf/80cf/150cf + filters is not always practical. On trips to the pub/shopping/work and misc travelling etc etc I've often missed some nice shots and I hope to get a second camera with a budget of about $1,800 and more than likely second hand.


    I've had some great fun checking into all the different models so far, keep them coming if you can!

  4. Ellis, can I ask you some questions,


    -can you use the 105mm Lee polariser on the Lee Filters filter holder and hood system. If so, does it have to be fitted to the front?


    -have you any idea if the wide-angle version would suit the 40mmCF and the regular version suit the 80 and 150. Again, would using the polarizer be a problem?


    -can it take gel filters?


    -are they as robust as the hasselblad proshades?



    I would like the Hasselblad universal proshade but for the fact that I couldnt use the Lee 100x150mm grads. I'm ashamed to say I've been neglecting my shading, so I need to get a solution for my filters and for my 40 itself as the hood was missing.



    Erik, go to http://www.leefilters.com/CPTSHO.asp?PageID=391 for better info on these Lee products.

  5. <body>


    <p>Gene, I highly recommend Lee ND grads which are available in "Soft" and "Hard" graduations.<br>


    Everything you need to know is here <a href="http://www.leefilters.com/CPEF.asp?PageID=77">http://www.leefilters.com/CPEF.asp?PageID=77</a>.

    As you can see it doesn't just darken the sky, it can control which part darkens

    and which does not and is more subtle and controllable than a polarizer

    especially using wide angle lenses. There are 3 filters in a set so your

    exposure can be controlled by 1, 2 or 3 stops, to suit the every situation. Additionally

    the filters can be added together to give the sky 4, 5 or 6 stop adjustment.

    Finally if you have a bright sky, bright foreground situation you can use one

    filter "upside-down" and for example give the sky -3, the fore ground

    -1 and leave the horizon unfiltered</p>

    <p>I also recommend <a href="http://www.robertwhite.co.uk">Robert Whites</a> in England as they seem to be the cheapest on the

    web for <a href="http://www.robertwhite.co.uk/accessories.htm#LabelLee">Lee


    But before you do anything e-mail Lee and they will mail you an brochure ASAP <a href="mailto:sales@leefilters.com">sales@leefilters.com</a><br>




  6. I agree with Q.G. but have found a 1.5 - 2 ev correction needed.

    I took my 500cm into a HB dealer for a look at the latest screen and then took a reading with it installed and compaired this to a reading from my older type screen. This verified my estimation.

  7. <p>Slightly off topic, if you are an Anton fan, he is currently exhibiting a large collection of U2 photos at U2s "In the name of Love" tribute at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Check <a href="http://www.rockhall.com/museum/releases.asp?id=1981">http://www.rockhall.com/museum/releases.asp?id=1981</a> for more info.<br>


    <p>If you want to see a four foot wide print of the joshua tree image, get yourself to Cleveland<br>



    <p>BTW, In Janaury 2001, Anton is featured as a Hasselblad Master.<br>


    <p><a href="http://www.hasselblad.com/gallery/mastersPresent.asp?secID=257&iPage=2&itemId=201">http://www.hasselblad.com/gallery/mastersPresent.asp?secID=257&iPage=2&itemId=201</a><br>



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