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Image Comments posted by nanasousadias


    This was shot 4 years ago. Paula is a Jazz singer and teacher, famous in Portugal and a very close friend of mine, we played together several times ( I play tenor, alto and soprano saxophones). This was not a Jam session and, for once, I was not "On Stage".

    Maresias #15

    Paul: I like it! I wish I could do that in my lab, but I can't bring all that contrast from the negative. I printed it with split grade, using grade 5 on the sky, but even with that filter, I didn't get that contrast! I'm gonna try selenium on the negative, to bring another Zone, and try again, this time with a condenser enlarger. Thanks for your sugestion.





    This is a democratic place, anyone can say what he/she thinks, but, as you said, people should use his brain! When you used your brain, did you, for a minute ever think you could be just not available, for lack of knowledge, to understand what should, or not be considered ART? How can you say that all nude photos are not artistic! You bet some are artistic, but not FOR YOU!Probably, Ansel Adams would not do this picture, nude wasn't his style, but, maybe, Edward Weston would do this picture, or something similar! Who do you think you are to afirm to a big comunity like Photo.net that this is not Art? I've been seeing your 6 photos and, if I were you, I would use my brain and would keep my mouth shut, while I tried to learn something about ART and PHOTOGRAPHY, watching some photos of REALLY GOOD PHOTOGRAPHERS around here, technically and artistically speaking! You told that the fact that a photo is B & W, doesn't, per se, turn it into art, and you're right! You proved it with your B & W photos, but, you need to learn a lot about ART and PHOTOGRAPHY untill you can SEE some art in a photo like this one. I'm not trying to impose to you or anyone else that this should be considered art, I consider it is, but that's just my point of view, what I'm trying to say is that, eventually, you should just say that you don't LIKE this photo!


    This is a beautifull, artistic, well composed photo of a child! Nothing more than that! If someone get some strange ideas about it, should find some professional psyquic help. Marcus, don't change a thing! That's a great photo!
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