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Posts posted by chris_tennyson

  1. Im wondering.. My pc sync in the back doesnt work... the insert moves around a bit... I wonder if light is getting in there.. I dont see how that is a problem since it doesnt go to the film chamber anyways... and if it did, it would be a different type of fogging... but hey, im just trying to eliminate possibilities right now!
  2. LOOK LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!



    ok.. I feel really stupid now.... i just had to find the right url... you said to right click the image.. but i was getting the wrong url.. i reloaded, did it again, and got a different one... strange, but what ever...


    thanx for your help!




    Fabio??? no no no no.. This is a guy named Greg.. he makes silver jewelry, and is a norse historian... and hes Norse.. so he likes to wear all the period clothing sometimes... He's a cool guy though!


    as for fabio.. Ive met him before.. at a baseball game.. he was quite annoying... kept standing up, turning around, and waving to all the people at the baseball game.. apparently he didnt figure out they were cheering for the home team.. not him... I kid you not! of course, it wasnt all bad.. he had a steady stream of very beautiful women coming down to get his autograph.. they all had to line up next to me... :D

  3. I'm discovering that it does have a little more depth of field than I'm used too.. or rather, with out being able to see it, I'm getting used to knowing it will be ok... I think you are right... I'm a little anal about it at f2 still though.... with practice, and seeing the results I'm sure I'll get used to it.. its just a new thing for me.. I'm not used to rangefinder focusing yet... have a hard time sometimes...
  4. Ok.. i think i figured it out.. If i upload the photo to my personal website.. and then put the img src stuff here for it.. it will show up... but is there a way to do it from where i have them uploaded on the Photo.net area? I didnt really want to put them from my site.. I cant handle the bandwidth... well, maybe i can, but ive never tested it.. dont want huge bills if i go over....
  5. I've discovered something with my photography after my first roll of

    film through my first leica.. my first rangefinder....


    For the love of God I can't stop centering the subject all of a

    sudden!!! I guess its because I have to center it to use the

    rangefinder to focus.. and then i am so proud of my self for

    accomplishing that, i keep forgetting to recompose... I ALWAYS

    recompose with my other cameras.... I have been a photo editor for

    several award winning school newspapers.. I know how to crop, and

    compose and so forth.. but I just shot a whole roll almost entirely

    of centered photos.. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG



    oh well.. now i know, so i will remember next time... I just thought

    it was interesting.. and very ammusing.. I never would have thought

    I would do that... funny quirk!

  6. Ok.. I'm an idiot. i admit it... ive been searching for 45 minutes

    and i cant find a single thread that tells how to post a picture in

    a thread.. so that the photo shows up....


    I know how to do links.. and i know html.. but i dont know how it

    all works here... can someone please help... i dont want to post a

    link... I want the photo to show up in the actual thread...



    thank you kindly... again.. if this has been asked before, i

    apologize.. i tried to do a search for it with every title i could

    think of, and got nothing that would tell me how!!!






    ok.. that was what this was going to say.. then i clicked the post

    button and it said upload image... so im trying it now.. lets see if

    it works.... *crosses fingers*<div>003iMF-9370684.jpg.ab02adf0749da8b364a8662713cfef34.jpg</div>

  7. Ah. right.. ok.. thats what i assumed .. It has that light trap type feature, so i assumed it didnt need it...



    hmm.. I wonder if a little foam might work though? I doubt it.. the leak isnt from that anyways i dont think.. so it seems like there is no need... and who knows what it would do to the pressure plate and sharpness by adding the foam....

  8. Thanx, you have all given me some things to look at.. im glad to hear im not the only one that has experienced something along those lines.... about the foam.. I thought teh same thing.. but Mine has no foam.. and no left over residue where it once was... leading me to believe it never had any... theres no inky substance that we all know when foam gets bad.. and with the way the window closes.. the light would have to bend to get through anyways.. which light does not... but ill look into that.. Can any of you tell me.. if you have an M6 classic like mine.. does yours have film on the rear window.. I am assuming you were refering to the one with the asa dial on the back that you can flip open... mine doesn't have foam anywhere i dont think.. on the bottom plate, or window/door....
  9. I have a question.. I have a Leica M6 classic... On my first roll, i

    got two frames with mysterious fog marks..... they are horizontal

    across the lines you would associate as rule of thirds... They seem

    to be on two frames where i had the camera sitting for a few days

    with no action. i am thinking a very slow leak that took several

    days to notice. the ones that were taken very quickly in one day

    show no marks at all.... I have checked both curtains with a flash

    light in the dark, and no light gets through.. I have looked at the

    camera extensivly in the dark with the light, and can produce no

    light leaks..... what do you all think.. maybe just an anomaly... I

    hope! I can't find anything else wrong.. I work at a camera shop,

    and am used to checking cameras for refoams and light leaks.. though

    this is my first check of a leica... but the principles are the

    same.... and the design of the leica, with the back door, is such

    that if it was a leak on of the door, it would have to show on the

    edge print of the frames as well... near the sprocket holes... but

    it doesnt.. It does go past the frame lines horizontaly though.. but

    not into the next frame.. it looks similar to if you were to

    massivly over expose a frame, and it bleeds into the edges a

    little... but the negatives look fine. even the ones with the fog

    are exposed correctly....


    I have another roll in now that i am trying to duplicate it..

    hopefully i can not and it will never happen again.. but i know

    better than that.. if it happenes once, chances are it will again...

  10. I for one thought it was a great story, and am glad roger decided to share it with us.. It's unfortunate that SOME people don't know when to keep their mouths shut, and instead insist on proving to the world how truely obnoxious they can be.


    It's attidudes like Alec's that have kept racial prejudice alive today.

  11. i agree, the 90 will be my next, as I do a lot of portraits, and, while i enjoy wide angle portraits, and do quite a few of them, i still want the 90 for others.... of course that one will have to wait a long while! This was basicly a toy for me.. my camera for personal work.. i shoot Canon EOS autofocus for business work, and my next purchase is going to have to be the 70-200 f2.8L...


    Thanx for all the replies though. I have to work tomorrow so i wont get to shoot till either late tomorrow, or sunday, but I think i will take it to work with me.. i work at a camera shop, where i got it actually.. anyways, i get interesting people in there sometimes, and always like to have one of my cameras there just in case...

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