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Posts posted by nik4s

  1. Jerry they were made by Singer Corporation for Leitz Rockleigh on or about 1982. Singer's machine was I think called the caramate and leica just added the colorpan lens to them. They advertised at the time that the condensers were also of their design. The first run of them did not work with a lot of dissolve machines so they had to be retuned. The lens is sharp but with my machine I dont get edge to edge sharpness. I have used all type of Kodak trays with this machine and I just refrain from the 140 trays because of their jamming propensity. I have seen them from 250 to 325 when up for sale. I had mine recently fixed. The autofocus on the machine works but it hunts a little too much for me at times. I have had 2 of them, this last one I use now sparingly. Its not worth 425- remember it was a singer caramate machine.
  2. Yes it is Richard Nordin's book on the early history of the 1600f,1000f, and the superwide. It is soft cover. I got mine through the auction site, but like the above response check abebooks.com since I recently saw one there from a book seller for sale, although expensive. It gives a very good history with serial numbers etc. on all the cameras that were first produced.
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