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Image Comments posted by navarra


    Yes, I like this image very much as well. I'm a civil engineer, so there is some rivalry here :) We say that all weird-looking houses are made by architects, and we pity the poor people that have to live in there, lol :)


    I really don't get what you have done here... is this a composition? Did you color the liquid in pshop? I like this anyway, feels like you are making a mess :)


    This is very nice, I like it. Would prefer a different frame color, maybe white. Oh, and I'm just not sure about it, but maybe the coma "," after the three dots "..." is not needed and makes the text a bit messy... or maybe I'm wrong :)

    Delicate Arch

    For a very short moment I felt like I was up there alone looking at this wonderful view. This is an image truly above the ordinary, congratulations.
  1. This looks like a bautiful place, and it looks indeed "frosty" and cold :) Maybe the dark area spoils it a bit but I still like this very much and probably you could "boost" some shadow details with a curves adjustment in photoshop (probably the original film or slide has got more detail than this scan)

    Too Late

    This could be a stunning image... if you only deleted that guy from the background. This is very easy to do since that part of the image is very small and not detailed. Or maybe you are against this kind of "retouching"?
  2. Funny, that looks like a chicken egg, and chickens spawn yellow/orange eggs, not white :)Probably you are used to see white eggs because where you live (I'm guessing here) the law allows for the use of chemicals to turn the eggs white and thus make them more "appetible" to consumers. Here you can find perfectly clean nuts (they use acids to remove the peel) and sometimes strawberries and olives look so great but taste so strange... but no I'm pretty sure nobody is allowed to de-color eggs. Yet :)

    Raluca II

    The background looks created with photoshop to me. Not that this is a problem of any sort to me, only it should integrate with the image better. Maybe the portrait has some noise that wasn't recreated in the background... or maybe it's real but the light had some strange reflection making it look this way.
  3. Well Doug, I'm just not skilled enough to connect my aestetical (excuse my english :) "impressions" to the range of highlights and shadows of a picture. I think that probably different images could need different colors and contrasts: an image depicting good vs evil (like this one maybe) might actually be helped by a full tonal range and full blacks and whites, while other images could be better with less contrast and less "hard" (I don't know how else to express this) tones. But that's so much in dept that maybe it's totally above my actual level or maybe it's something that could be discussed in "academic" places but with little artistical value. So thank you for showing me that an image can be analyzed in such a deep manner, but if the question was "do you prefer this version or the older one" my answer would be "I really don't know" :)



    Uhm... well, you could crop all the sky and lower left corner, but there wouldn't be much left of the image... honestly, the image wouldn't be that great even without all the faults.

    There's no way to have a good exposition with all that light. Either underexpose the buildings, or wait for a different moment of the day. You could crop just the corner, and color the sky in photoshop. That would "save" the image like you were asking. Good luck!

  4. Excellent analysis Doug, that was a very interesting page.

    I think that 100% black and 100% white are not always the best choice. I studied some books and online articles about photo-retouching, and now I usually set my range from 95% black to 95% white. This gives a better average feel to images in my opinion, since you don't lose detail in highlights and total blacks. As usual Ken's images are a good way to start interesting discussions :)

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