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Image Comments posted by nardaf

    Manus Dei

    I don't quite agree with Eugene about the rule of thirds here. I believe the hand as it is adds great drama, mysteriousness, anxiety, and whatever other strong feelings it might invoke in onlookers. A photo does not always have to be aesthetically pleasing or to conform to classical standards to convey a strong message. It is a really compelling and strange picture. It certainly caught my attention (that's why I'm writing this comment!). It's good to be thrown off balance once in a while. Good work.

    studio portrait

    I like the toning, lighting, and the pose very much. The only tiny nitpicking I'd have is that the model should have been posed a bit more to the left. Not much, just a bit--there is just a feeling of imbalance there (at least with me, although she is looking back to the left). Or you could have added an object to the empty space at which she might be looking. Otherwise very beautiful.

    What's up Doc?

    Good "candid" shot of the slimy slug(if you can say that with those slow moving creatures!). Cute face. How many eyes does he/she have? 2 or 4? The only critique I have is that it is a bit too off-centered for my taste.


    Since I am a passionate cat sailor myself (check out my portfolio for a sailing pic), I like the photo very much because I am always sad when the sailing season ends. Your photo reflects that feeling very well. Somehow I KNEW that this was a Dutch beach since you guys are the best in Europe....



    I like your stuff, William--and I envy your equipment! Wish I could afford it---


    a fellow photographer (albeit amateur and bloody beginner only) also from Chicago!

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