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Posts posted by mark_wilhelm

  1. <p>Very helpful comments. Thanks. I took off the 80 mm lens as suggested and checked out the 65 mm framelines. Although they are reasonably well seen, I do not see all four margins simultaneously without moving my eye around a bit. This is the same situation I encountered with a Leica M7 with the 0.72 finder. I could not see the 35 mm framelines perfectly from one eye position. However, with the 0.57 finder, the 35 mm framelines were seen optimally. </p>
  2. <p>I currently use only an 80 mm lens on my M7II camera. I wear glasses and can see the framelines for this lens very easily. As opposed to the situation with Leica M cameras, I know of no way to see the 65mm lens framelines in the M7II viewfinder without actually attaching the lens (which I thus far don't own). I was wondering if the framelines for the 65 mm lens are easy to see for someone who wears glasses. Thanks very much.</p>
  3. I have a Mamiya 7II camera with an 80mm lens. I have just ordered a 50mm

    lens. Since the optical finder for the 50mm lens sits in the hot shoe, I have

    purchased a Stroboframe Pro-T/m bracket to allow for the use of flash with

    this lens on the camera. I plan to use a Metz 54MZ flash on the bracket.

    Although the flash bracket is quite light, it's large and lanky. What camera

    bags would accomodate this equipment, including the Pro-T/m bracket? Which

    Tamrac bag would work, if any? I do not plan on acquiring any more lenses.

    Thank you.

  4. I am interested in using the 85/1.2L lens for black and white

    portrait photography using film. I know that this lens is quite

    large and heavy. Have any of you used this lens with an Elan 7

    body, or would it be necessary to use a larger (e.g.EOS1v or EOS3)

    body for ergonomic reasons? I do not have access to a camera store

    that has this lens in stock. Thanks very much.

  5. I am looking into obtaining a small flash for use with the Mamiya

    7II rangefinder camera. As far as I can tell, the Leica SF24D has

    more auto aperatures thn any other compact flash. Can this flash be

    used safely and effectively with the Mamiya 7II? I know that the

    Sunpak 383 can be used with this camera, but available auto

    aperatures are very limited. What other small flash units would you

    recomment? Thank you.

  6. I have come across some threads concerning whether or not the Leica

    CM pre-focuses. However, I can find no such information for the CM

    zoom. To those of you you have used the camera, does it pre-focus

    (i.e. pressing shutter button halfway causes the lens to move into

    position, thus minimizing subsequent shutter lag)? Also, what do

    you think of the viewfinder? Leica makes a point that the CM zoom

    viewfinder is "suitable for eyeglass wearers", but does not mention

    this for the CM. Thanks very much.

  7. Well, I've sold off my 35mm film based SLR equipment and now only

    have a Leica M7 (0.58), 35 cron, and 50 cron (in 35mm format).

    Although I do prefer an SLR for telephoto work, I would like to keep

    just my M-system. I wear glasses - thus the 0.58 viewfinder. I was

    wondering what your experience has been with focusing the 90 AA with

    this viewfinder. Does it work reasonably well for portraits? Would

    the 1.25 magnifier be considered essential with this set-up? Thanks

    very much.

  8. I have a Rollei 6008 AF and enjoy the square format for black and

    white photography. I would also like to use color film with this

    camera and would prefer the 645 format for this. How easy is it to

    change back and forth between the 6x6 back and the "rotating" 645

    back (which requires an adaptor)? To those of you with the 4560

    Magazin, how do you like it? Thanks very much.

  9. I am new to Canon. I have an EOS 3 body and I'm trying to come up

    with a flash set-up for this camera. I have a Metz 54 MZ3 flash

    that I use with other cameras. I was wondering if I could use this

    flash with an SCA 3102 adaptor. Would I be sacrificing important

    functions with this arrangement? Or should I pick up a 550 EX

    instead? Thanks very much

  10. I know that many Leica users also use Rollei TLR's, so I thought I'd

    ask a question about the possible use of Leica flash units with a

    Rollei GX or FX. Since the flash would be used in AUTO mode, I

    suppose I could attach the flash unit directly to the hot shoe on

    the side of the TLR and thus not use the SCA adaptor. Have any of

    you tried this combination? If so, what has been your experience?

    Thanks very much.

  11. I just received a Rollei lens hood (80-250) to use on my 80mm AF-

    Xenotar lens (for the 6008AF cmera). When I attach the hood to the

    lens, I can no longer use the lens cap on the lens (with UV

    filter). Does a cap exist to cover the hood (such as with the Leica

    35 lux ASPH)? Is there anyway to cover the front element of the

    lens with the hood in place or do I always have to remove the hood

    to attach a cap? What a hassle. I'd appreciate any advise you may

    have. Thanks.

  12. I have had a similar experience. I renewed my interest in photography in 2001 and shot a few rolls of Kodachrome 64 initially. I then jumped on the bandwagon and shot some Velvia, Provia, and even Astia. I initially liked the Fuji images, but as time passes, they appeal to me less and less. In contrast, I resumed shooting K64 exclusively last year and have no plans to shoot any other 135 transparency film until K64 is no longer available. There is something intangible about Kodachrome - I have a hard time describing it. The images seem so much more three dimensional, particularly with Leica glass. Lastly, my Kodachrome slides from the 1970's haven't faded a bit. To me, Kodachrome is one of the few remaining reasons I have for continuing to shoot color film in 35mm.
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