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Posts posted by charles_stobbs2

  1. I am in the process of buying a QL-17 so have been doing some research.

    If you go to the Classic Camera Repair Forum and do a key word search for the QL-17 you will find a disturbing number of threads on this camera. Whether it is because there were so many of them made and they are considered worth repairing or whether they are so fragile I don't know. The G3 designation means Canon made some quality improvements the middle of their production run. My fingers are crossed. Cheers

  2. We're planning to rent a car and head for the countryside. If we go to Paris at all it will be the last few days. Also I was hoping to avoid the x-ray machines. I won't be using so many rolls that the cost difference will be too high. I understand there are efforts to get the Euro closer to the dollar because French and German exports are suffering.
  3. I am tentatively planning a trip to France in late spring and have two


    Are there shops at major Paris airports where I can buy Kodachrome?

    Does the price of Kodachrome in France still include processing (with

    mailers included) and will they mail the processed slide to a USA address?

    Thanks in advance for any info.


  4. Stay away from SLR's. You will find they are bulky, noisy, shaky and will restrict your vision too much to frame a picture properly. Find a Canon or Olympus or Minolta rangefinder on E-Bay and go from there.
  5. I think if a country with a history of religious persecution by the "official" religion of all other religions such as catholic France in the middle ages or Afghanastan during the Taliban regime decides to ban all overt symbols of religion it is understandable. If your religion is in your heart you don't need it on a billboard.
  6. When using old Weston meters you should read the instructions for your meter to see if it uses ASA or Weston film speed ratings . I have a Weston Master II which uses Weston speed ratings which as I remember are 80% of ASA ratings - 100 ASA=80 Weston. I don't know when, if ever, they started using ASA ratings. Cheers
  7. I agree with the above with some modification. New products come along when marketing figures out how to hype them and not all new products are improvements. For example, digitally tuned radios. As the radio ages the circuitry drifts and reception gets worse. With an analogue radio you could always fine tune by turning the knob, now you jump an increment which is too big. Also you can't preset a frequency, if you can't receive the station, you can't preset a button. End of rant.
  8. I have also been looking for a fixed lens digital (hopefully with no more choices to be made than with a Leica). I think the photo mag reviewers are partly to blame. Everyone talks about megapixels but not one of them relates it to lens quality or even tests the lenses themselves.

    I have been interested in the Canon SD10 and the Canon website shows several examples of photos which look pretty good to me. However it only ouputs jpg format.

    What I really want is a digital Retina that I can slip in my pocket and will be resisant to a certain amount of dampness and abuse.

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