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Image Comments posted by peter_yesley

    Window sill

    This picture if just too abstract for me. It doesn't strike me as a purly abstract because I don't see a color or intensity theme. And it also doesn't appear to be a picture of an recognizeable object. Maybe my mind is just too narrow for this picture.
  1. This picture has very nice colors. And as the viewer I can sort of feel the special ambiance of the place. But I think the picture is missing something. Something that could serve as the subject of the picture.


    Beautiful colors. Too bad the tree gets cut in a strange way at the top of the picture. Maybe if you had lowered the camera and aimed it more towards the sky you could have gotten the same picture with all of the tree.


    I give this a 7 because I was trying to take a similar photograph last summer and failed because I didn't have the flower. So the 7 is because I'm jealous of your success.


    For me this photograph would work better if you croped the lower edge. I'd bring the lower edge up to right under the reflection of the boat. This way you'd elliminate the distracting rocks in the for-ground.
  2. I'd crop away just a little bit more on the left hand side. Just enough to remove the little bit of monument. That way the little temple would take on more significance if the picture. Also I'd get rid of the lamp post with photo shop. Over all this picture has a lot of atmosphere and nice colors. But it is too busy because it has too many objects in it. Also the central grave, "grogan" has its lower corner cliped. Imagin the photograph with just the temple and grogan grave, the grass, tree and sky.


    It is a very nice subject, (a black and white tree together). But they don't fit so well into the frame. Maybe you should have stood further back to include the end of the branches.
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