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Posts posted by name_unknown109

  1. My FC-35 flash for my 35GT just went on the fritz tonight. I can't make it fire. It charges up and the "ready" light comes on, but it won't flash, either when I press the test button or when I take a picture. If I turn it off and back on (even after waiting 3-5 minutes), the ready light comes on without waiting, so I'm assuming it's charged up, but just won't fire. Any suggestions? I bought this flash off ebay about 3 months ago, and it's worked fine since then (except that the batteries run down fast) until now. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the responses. But now I see the problems with discussing

    pronunciation via written communication� Martin, you say "mi like in

    �minute.� " Is that minute as in 60 seconds or minute as in very





    From the answers, it seems that the first syllable vowel sound is not

    a long i sound ("my nox"), unless you�re talking about the drug. I

    had never heard the long e sound ("me nox"), but is that another

    option ("me" as in "lend me your ears")? It sounds as if the safest

    thing to do is go with "min nox" as in "mint" or "minimum" or "men."

    Would you agree? (If you�re confused by "men," let me explain: in

    the South, we say "men" as if it were "mint" without the "t"; I

    don�t know if that�s incorrect in other parts of the country, but I

    do know that my northern friends tell me "pen" and "pin" are not

    pronounced the same way anywhere except in the South.)




    Then there�s the question of the second syllable. Is it "ox" as in

    the singular of "oxen," or is it more of an "ux" sound, like in

    "flux" or "lennox"?




    Sorry to be so persistent, but I just don�t want to embarrass myself

    when talking to someone who know the difference. Any comments are

    most appreciated. Thanks!

  3. I hate to sound ignorant, but I was just wondering how everyone pronounced "Minox." I don't know anyone else with a Minox camera, but I have heard it pronounced both ways by the few people I've encountered who seem to even know what a Minox is.




    I'm a little embarrassed to post this, since I am hereby admitting that I don't know how to pronounce the name of the camera I've used for 17 years. I absolutely LOVE the Minox 35mm cameras, and I don't think I'll ever use any other, though my current one is beginning to act up after 12 years.




    My first Minox was given to me by my sister as a high school graduation present in 1982. It was stolen from my car during a spring break trip in college, so I bought my current 35GT while traveling in Europe in 1987. I've used it ever since, without being confident about what I was calling it. For a long time I said "men-ox" because that is what I think my sister called it, but more recently I've been saying "my-nox." Can anyone help me?? Thanks.

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