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Posts posted by chris__4

  1. I just purchased a small flash cube type minox flash. Inside were two

    small PX-825 1.5v batteries. The unit fits my camera perfectly and the synch lugs mate like they were made for each other. Question is, what do I need to make this flash work? Also, if this unit isnt made to work on my IIIs, what kind of trigger (voltage or mechanical) comes from the camera out the synch port? I have half a mind to fabricate what is needed to make a tiny flash for this camera.By the way, it is a minox flash unit, but I didnt see any particular identifying marks. Thank you in advance.

  2. I noticed a small device screwed into the minox ec in stuarts tip on how to make your own tripod mount for an ec. This article is archived under the sub clubs do it yourself corner. My question is this-where can you get a self timer attachment that releases the shutter on a minox and mounts on the tripod bracket where the shutter release normally would? I havent seen such a mechanism listed anywhere. If you look close at the picture, you can make out the word "timer" on it.
  3. I am relatively new to minox 8x11 developing techniques. I was wondering what specifically I should be purchasing for an enlarger that would be capable of doing color someday when I learn how. For now, I just want to be able to accomplish black and whites no larger

    than 4x6. My question is, if you could, what enlarger and lens and

    basic darkroom equipment and chemicals do I need to get started? Also, is there a book that might clue me into the developing process

    in specific to minox microphotography? I will, of course, utilize the

    information on this site and other web sites. I just need a list of things to go buy so I can self teach myself. Thanks so much for the time.chris.By the way, I will have a minox III and a developing tank


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