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Posts posted by julian__1

  1. Graham,I quite agree with you,sir !Owning,shooting and processing

    Minox stuff is having your grey cells moving like a PC hard drive !!!

    Of course sometimes,under certain conditions and equipment,you can

    take better shots with a SLR,APS or whatever,BUT !you'll never be

    proud of that picture because in the end of the day,all you've done

    was pointing the flippin'thing to a tree and press a button ! Where

    is your PERSONAL contribution?Where's the personal touch of the

    picture?And ,above all,where exactly is your good feeling of a well

    done job?I personally,sleep a lot better after I worked hard to

    achieve good results in,well,anything I do(not necessarily Minox...)

    I mean,with all due respect and stuff,Dana,but it seems to me that

    shooting with a Minox is actually an art,and the p&s cameras could

    never ever touch the hem of 8x11 results.Best regards,Julian

  2. I started photography as a hobby a few years ago,mainly SLR's.A few

    months ago I was on the Internet and accidentally I opened the

    SubClub.Com,and I was captivated by the passion some folks took about

    a Minox-something!At first I was curious to see what

    that "MINOX"thingy was;after a week,I entered the Ebay.co.uk and

    bought my first one.My thrill went to such extents,that I even have

    now a website for my Minox hobby.

    2.I have a Minox B,a Minox EC, and a C black one.However,I acquired

    recently a Yashica Atoron Electro,using 9.2 mm film,but I suspect you

    cannot count this one as a Minox genuine camera.

    3.It may seem strange,but I do not a "favourite"!It is all about what

    mood I am in,where do I go,stuff like that.However,I tend to keep

    most of the time the Minox EC in my pocket.

    4.As I pass thru 15 to 20 rolls a month,I can hardly say that I use

    Minox for a certain activity.I slit my own films,i develop them,I

    scan them on CD's or print them,so for me is a everyday activity.I do

    feel quite unaccomplished if I didn't shoot at least 5 frames a day:-)

    5.I do everything myself:slitting,developing,scanning,printing.I do

    make mistakes sometimes,I lose a negative every now and then,but hey!

    where's the fun if you don't do mistakes,isn't it?

    6.If you'd like to have a look on my amateur website,here it is:


    Best regards and happy Minoxing out there!

  3. It seems that our frien here have no idea whatsoever about the joy

    and satisfaction which comes with a good job done!I'm fairly

    experienced in large and medium format and I started with Minox a few

    months ago.The challenge was huge,everything was new and everytime I

    released,I felt like I'm sitting some rather very difficult exams.The

    developing,that joy or sorrow of seeing how good or bad your first

    negative came out...Minox is not a joke or a toy;it's part of your

    feelings of success or failure in general.Anyone can take a photo

    with a APS or digital camera;the real thing though is the furrowed

    brow taking a picture with your little Minox and feel the pounding

    heart when you pump the therm in tank,imagining how will be the

    negative,re-living all the shots you've taken,wondering where and

    what went wrong.This all,for me at least,is Minox !!!

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