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Posts posted by graham__

  1. I live in Perth, Western Australia.

    I bought one camera off ebay, the other I got by advertising locally.

    I had two responses to the local advert and two to a national advert.

    The national advert turned up a mint black BL, can you believe, but

    outside my budget constraint, and I'm a user not a collector - well,

    anymore than any other minoxer. So they're thin on the ground. But

    my guess is they're out there in draws and cupboards, simply


    Film is no problem here if you can afford, me I'll slit and develop my

    own. Into B&W, have Leitz enlarger (Valoy II fitted with Monolta CE

    30mm lens for 11X18). Would like Minox enlarger, and Minox slitter,

    but probably wont happen.


  2. I have to agree with Brian Warshawsky there is something about the

    camera that creates its own style of imaging. I think it is simply

    that forcing the photog to think about what goes on the minimalist neg

    forces a better understanding of what should go on the neg. So if you

    want good shots the brain goes has to go into gear. Those who espouse

    larger negs, even 35mm is larger in this case, are in sense

    pictoralist junkies; the picture gotta look exactly like the scene -

    no grain, bright colors etc. Only trouble is the eye in fact doesnt

    see it that way; the 35mm photog, in arguing they can make bigger

    better 8 X 10 whatever, totally misses the point. Good minox photogs

    create an image which conveys the feeling and look of the object.

    Those who want technogly to generate a perfect grainless print miss

    the whole point of the Minox which is to allow the creation of a good

    picture when none would otherwise exist.

    Use your eyes, get a Minox, learn to use you Minox and enjoy.


  3. I use an EC and have a C also.

    The answer for me is that the EO goes with me everywhere.

    It produces photos which fascinate me because you have to learn to use

    the whole negative. I'll say that again, "you have to learn to use

    the whole negative". For me that is the key. I have other cameras

    but nothing makes me think as hard about the subject as the Minox.

    Anyone who says they are toys is missing the point. They record

    images and those images are what is important. And often, they would

    not exist without the Minox. For me the Minox also is an aide memoir

    since I also enjoy drawing and watercolor painting.

    Compared with a large format camera even 35mm is a miniature camera,

    so what. Each to his/her own.

  4. I use an EC and have a C also.

    The answer for me is that the EO goes with me everywhere.

    It produces photos which fascinate me because you have to learn to use

    the whole negative. I'll say that again, "you have to learn to use

    the whole negative". For me that is the key. I have other cameras

    but nothing makes me think as hard about the subject as the Minox.

    Anyone who says they are toys is missing the point. They record

    images and those images are what is important. And often, they would

    not exist without the Minox. For me the Minox also is an aide memoir

    since I also enjoy drawing and watercolor painting.

    Compared with a large format camera even 35mm is a miniature camera,

    so what. Each to his/her own.

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