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Posts posted by garrick__

  1. I've really want to like this camera. I've got a small electric flash

    that goes great with it, flash in one pocket, kiev in the other. The

    problem is that the cameras don't seem to work for me. I don't know

    if I'm much harder on them, or if I've just got bad luck, but I've

    had three of them now, and they all seem broken.<br>

    I actually ordered two from over in Ukraine, knowing that Russians

    often aren't the best with QC. One arrived about a week later, and

    the shutter didn't seem to be working. So I sent it back, and

    reminded the guy that I had ordered and paid for two. A couple weeks

    later, they arrived. I remember checking the shutters on both right

    away, and they seemed to be in working order. But after running a

    couple rolls of film through one of them, the shutter seems to have

    quit working. I was going to just switch to the other one, but that

    one seems to be dead two.<br>

    I'm tempted to run another roll through in case the camera actually

    is working.... it makes a click noise, but when I have the back off,

    and am looking through it, I can only see light coming through when

    it's set to higher apertures. I looked through the back of my cannon,

    and I can see light coming through even at higher speeds.<br>

    Has anyone had problems like this? The only thing I can think of that

    would have killed my backup is that I left it in my car overnight

    when it was really cold out. I can't imagine why that would damage it


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