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Image Comments posted by richard_wilkins



    Re-submitting this one. Originally, it was heavily "painted" in

    photoshop. This time I took the straight photo and adjusted hue,

    color level, and applied a simple lighting effect as I've done on

    several other recent submissions.


    Most creative picture of a toilet I've ever seen! Good eye! I like the cool color range (blues and greys and whites). This pic has a very contemporary look... almost alien.

    Last Move


    I like old photos. Any hint of the passage of time grabs my

    attention. I've been trying to communicate the "feeling" of something

    having seen a lot of time pass... a sense of decay... localized

    history. Maybe there are dark secrets, maybe there are great

    accomplishments. The mystery of these things impels me.

    So, when I stumbled across this old house along a lonely road in the

    middle of Delaware, I stopped. Your thoughts?

  1. Asbury Park is a spooky place. Every building seems to have voices

    from the past seeping out of the walls.

    This is the ceiling of the Asbury Park Convention Center. Pieces of

    plaster have fallen away from the ceiling and no one has ever

    bothered to repair it. Light bulbs burn out and stay that way for

    some time. And in other buildings no one has been inside of for

    years, you might see a light bulb still burning for no apparent

    reason .....


    My apologies, TC. Words are so easily misconstrued on the net, especially when they concern one's work. I'm certain it's obvious that I am new here. I've browsed through your folders and see that there is much I can learn from you. I hope that you accept my apology for being such an overly sensitive beginner and look forward to seeing more of your work. ;)


    I agree with the others; the colors are superb! A painterly photo with excellent composition... have you tried inverting this photo so the dark (heavier) colors are on the bottom?
  2. Duly noted TC.

    This was the first roll of film shot in this camera. And one of the first rolls of film shot since I last used a camera some 20 years ago. I have tons of crappy photos that are in perfect focus.... *shrugs*



    Kind of like some of your well thought out comments of other peoples photos. It's karma, dude, now suck it up.

    Btw- I like the texture the clouds create here. Also like the shift in gradient from top left corner to bottom right corner. I also like that you didn't fill the frame with the moon. Would've been nice if the moon were a little bit brighter and the sky a little bit "ink-ier".

  3. Beautiful! This effect of turning water to silk is very appealing to me. I've been thinking of taking my camera down to the beach and trying this technique. You seem to have it mastered! After looking at this pic for some time, I realized I would like to see more streaks of orange and yellow... maybe in another picture,eh? Still, this is a beautiful picture --- nice balance of light & dark. You've done a good job at communicating a "mood".
  4. As far as I know, it's rare that someone walks into a picture you're

    setting up to shoot and makes it a better picture. I was aiming at

    the trumpet player, trying to use the rule of thirds to place him in

    the frame, when this other guy walked into the frame.....


    This is simply beautiful. I'd think I had died and gone to heaven if I ran across this kind of rust in the field. That fuji 100 is good stuff, eh? Again: excellent photo!


    Aside from the big white blotch on the back of the girls bag, I liked this photo alot. I'm fond of photos that make me ask "how was this done?" ... I know there are things that can't be helped when framing up "real-time" photos but because the girl is walking out of the frame, my eyes are having a hard time staying in your picture. Nonetheless, I like this pic very much.


    This looks very much like a fine art print. I love the composition; the balance of negative space and positive space is exceptional. This is a beautiful print!
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