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gary phillips

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Posts posted by gary phillips

  1. I may be a litte late on this, but still thought I'd give it a shot.I just started using Photoreflect Publisher 2.0 and am really happy with it. It allows your customer to view and/or order online. You set up packages & prices as well as discounts and shipping costs. It will cost you a percentage for their service, but in my limited experience it is worth it in the exttra prints that are ordered. It is totally secure & it interfaces with your existing website pretty well (you don't necessarily have to have your own site as you will receive your own publisher URL). Go to www.expressdigital.com and look for Photoreflect Publisher. It is very professional looking IMO.
  2. Rookie problem...I'm finding after a day of shooting, I return to the

    office for editing & I have a couple cards with photographs having

    the same numbers (i.e. 2 cards with DSC_001) one of which may be a

    formal before the wedding & the other may be a candid at the

    reception just after I've changed cards. Camera is Nikon D100.


    There has to be a better way to manage these files both in camera and

    after download into the computer. So far I've been batch-renaming in

    PS7, but then they're often out of order. HELP save me some time,

    please. Thanks in advance.

  3. My 220 back constantly "thinks" that the dark slide is installed so

    it won't allow me to shoot under normal conditions, I have to use

    the default 1/400 shutter speed as if the battery is dead (and yes I

    replaced the battery). It works fine w/ my 120 back. How does this

    work & is there a way that I can just override it somehow? Thanks.

  4. As the subject says, the Air Force Thunderbirds will be in town &

    I'm looking for a good, fast film. Ultimately I'd like to get some

    good quality enlargements (not sure how big yet, depends on how good

    the shots come out) so I'm guessing a print film.


    I don't like the high contrast of the Kodak Royal Gold/Gold (or

    whatever they're calling these days). I guess I'm leaning towards a

    Portra UC or VC, but what speed would you think? It'll have to be

    fast to keep up w/ the jets & my 500mm lens so I think 800, but

    how's the grain? Thanks.



  5. Quite often my F-5 will indicate that the film is at the "end" when

    in fact I'm only a few shots into a new roll. This happens quite

    frequently and is especially annoying when I need to shoot multiple

    frames quickly. Usually I can cycle the on/off switch and it'll go

    away, but obviously that's not always an option. BTW, I have the MF-

    28 multi-control back. Help!

  6. I just recently purchased a a bellows for my RZ/RB (I have both). I

    believe it's the G model (not G3 or 2), but the filter slot is SO

    narrow, that anything but Gels are out of the question. And for that

    matter, if the gel is sandwiched in a holder, it won't fit either.

    I'd like to be able to at least put a Grad. ND resin in it or maybe

    even some Cokin P's. I thought I had read where you can modify them

    or buy them modified? Any help? Thanks.

  7. Well the reason I ask is that I have an F5 and an F4 and am entertaining the idea of going digital. Rather than pay for the body of the F5 which I already have)that comes with the Kodak, I thought it might be possible to buy a sort-of conversion kit for the DCS-760. Maybe not - guess it's time for a D1.
  8. This is a newbie question so please excuse me, but what is the

    difference between 120 & 220 film (besides the picture quantity). It

    would seem to me that you could put 120 film in a 220 back, but not

    the other way around...no?

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