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Posts posted by ahmad_hosni

  1. Thanks Michael,


    It's really hard to imagine the effect until I see it.


    Now, since you mentioned chromoatic aberrations, and practically speacking, I was really wondering how does such effect (of SF lens- with and without disks) go with color. I understand that most of the responses here are based on B&W.




  2. Does anybody have any experience with Fuji SF lenses? I have a

    Pentax 67 soft focus lens and i love it; that's why I'm considering

    250sf for 4x5.

    How does this lens perform without the disks? And is it possible to

    get soft focus effect with the lens stopped down (using the disks)?


    I wonder if there are any galleries online exhibiting LF soft focus





    A. Hosni

  3. But the rubber ring was introduced later. I wonder if it was accompanied by different coating technology?


    Also I noted that KEH describe some lenses as SMC and others as SMC "late". (the 90mm for example). What is the difference?



    Ahmad Hosni

  4. I was wondering if the newer rubber ring versions of pentax 67

    lenses have different coating from the older metal ring ones. I'm

    talking specifically about the 90mm and the 135mm macro lenses.



  5. I heard that dektol used as a film developer can yield some nice sharp grainy results- which is actually my main objective here. I want to know in what concentration should i use it? I know that Kodak polymax developer is dektol, but what ditlution is suitable for film? And would it change the speed?









  6. well I tried it & the results came out bad but not realy

    disappointing.I first developed it in a film developer

    (ilford id-11, 1:3),reexposed, bleached for 12min, & 2nd developed it

    in the same developer. The results came out a very dense positive. I

    noticed that some shouts are less dense,better, than the others; these

    were the underexposed shots.So next time I'm gonna overrate the film

    upto 6 stops & try again.

    I'm also considering droping the idea of reversal processin for just

    solarizing an extremely under exposed negative to get a positive.

    I'll kee you informed.

  7. I want some advice regarding B&W slide processing. I'm gonna be developing tmax 100 into slides; I was thinking about using a paper developer as a second developer to increase the contrast. But how should I rate the film speed, & how long sould I bleach..,any other advice/recommendation?
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