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Posts posted by george_verbryck

  1. Why are you looking for one? Do you just need some parts? I have owned all the cameras you refer to and if you are planning to use it for landscapes or such I would look on ebay for a Tachahari ,osaka or calumet wood field camera as it is much more user friendly and they have been going for 300-400. If you need parts I have some and could help you out. Regards George
  2. Look on ebay if its any indication of what I recently sold my lenses for , rodenstock 150mm/5.6 $250, 90mm/6.8 $400 both late 80s early 90s multicoated in excellent condition. I do not think you will have a problem just buy form someone who has a clue and excellent feedback. I still have a couple extra lenses laying around contact me off list if you are interested, a nice 135mm? , Best Regards George
  3. I have a 47mm SA which does not cover 4x5 but will cover 6x12 , I love my lens and the panorama ability is incredible . I think you will find super wides are difficult to master as not many situations call for them however with nothing else will do it is the obvious choice. I have noted at workshops that many peole have tried them and don't like them as they are difficult and coverage is always an issue. I bought a 65mm SA after I got the 47 and found I never used it coverage was defineatly a problem and it was neither super wide or wide so I sold it and bought a 75mm SA and it is now my most used lens it has decent coverage and I do not use a center filter ad do not find the falloff objectionable. I have no experience with the rodenstock line in superwides but they are supposed to be great. I hope this helps you and by the way the 47XL SA will cover 4x5 if you want the widest possible frame. cheers George
  4. I have both lenses and the nokton is defineately sharper and more flare resistant. The elamr is very pleasing little lens , I think a more interesting comparison is the size the nokton is the size of a 70's slr 50mm lens while the elmar is tiny. If you use f2,8 alot and you want to be able to carry the camera in your pocket then there is no substitute if you want performance look into the nokton or hexar. My last commnet is I often use my elamr or sonnar 50 when shooting people because teh nokton is very sharp IMHO unflattering for anybody over five years old.Cheers George
  5. I shoot alot of 6x12 and I have done it with many cameras but I would recomend a crown graphic it hs suffucient rise and shift for 6x12 and will take a 47mm on a flat board for that matter I think it would take the 35mm if I had one but 47mm is already very wide. OF course it works with the 65 or 75 no problem. With the 65 and 47 you have to make the adjustment outside the camera box and move it back in, however in practice I have found it is easy to just set it when you put the lens on. It is very inexpensive body and if stripped down it is very light(3 1/2 lbs). I have also made a flat camera for the 47mm with a focus mount, everyone I have shown this to really liked it but the one I made had no movements so I moved to the crown. When you move to very wide angle lenses teh amount of very large movemants are reduced greatly so something which would otherwise seem limited is not. I have had great results cropping the 6x12 if necessary, 6x12 is so much more convenient than 6x17 it is worth it to stick with the smaller size. You can get really carried away worrying about detail and sharpness but if you are not going to blow up your prints to bigger than 20x40 or so I have not had any problems. Remember most panoramas are viewed from a distance of at least five feet. If you really need the larger print size consider a Deardorff or similar which has a cropping back and shoot 4x10 as it is very impressive and you can still shoot 120mm or the 90mmXL maybe the 72mmXL and get some really great stuff as well it opens the possibility of using much longer lenses which you may find useful ,I know I have. Hope this is of help. Cheers George
  6. have been using the clamp on 42mm canon adapter and either a tiffen or kenko series six hood for years ,search ebay for series six hood and you should come up with something. Another bonus of this set up is you can position the thread lock to balance the camera for table top tripod shots. The biggest adavantage is this combo does not intrude into the viewfinder at all ond is many times samller than any leica hood making the whole thing very compact. cheers George
  7. I checked my schneider focus mount with my 120mm SA and it will work but will only focus to about 50ft, anything closer it is too big. So I guess it might work depending on how much you need to focus and how close. I do not have the specific dimesions of your lens either but when I have seen it ,it seems close is size.So use a little bit of give or take i.e you may only be able to focus to 75ft or maybe you could get 35ft. Cheers George
  8. I would defineately be interested assuming it would be for both the internal mount and external mount lenses. The quality of the kiev mount is not nearly as good as teh contax but could probably be made to work. I have however had problems with mounting early lenses on my IIIa so I would want to make sure that the adapter would work on ltm,M with both old and new. Cheers George
  9. As far as point and shoots go I can not imagine that therre is one which offers better picture quality or control then the GR-1. My only complaint is it has a 28mm lens not always ideal. I have a olympus XA as well although I do not beleive it to be the equal of the ricoh but it works well and is a manual focus 35mm lens makes it useful for me. The koncia I used to have is even better but it is much larger than the two previous cameras. You really can not go wrong with the cameras you mention also a firend had the yashica T4 which was great. I really like the GR-1 because it is very easy to use, controls at least major ones are obviuos. Cheers George
  10. The battery is available almost anywhere it is a three volt, the shutter is very quiet not as quiet as some M's but vastly queiter than a canon. It is a nice camera the only detraction is that it will not take all the M mount lenses and in manual there is no metering not a big deal most of the time . I mostly used the one I have for candids with the excellent 40mm lens and AE. I do not really use the one I have anymore as I now favor my M5 if you are intersted let me know I am willing to sell. Cheers George
  11. I have a Weston V and it is a great meter I would recomend it, also I think in the UK someone is or was making them again. I used this meter for about two years after moving form a sekonic l-398 mainly because the weston was much more responsive and had both reflective and incident measurement. It goes great with with an older M and is easy to carry. I now use a Pentax Spotmeter and can say with out a reservation that a spot meter is the best available way to measure light but it is much bigger. I still carry the Weston sometimes for the ease, and when really low light work is necessary as it still measures lower than the pentax. Last I had my meter calibrated at Quality Light Metric? in hollywood califonia and can also recomend thier service. I hope this of help to you, Cheers George
  12. When I was shooting MF before moving up to LF I used a Plaubel Makina 67. If you like smallish well built cameras with the same quality lens as leica I suggest this camera. The lens is not interchangeable and like all cameras it has its limitations. However within those limitations it is unbleiveable, the quality of the frames was truly astonishing. It also becomes very compact I used to carry mine in a coat pocket often although beacuse of its dense build a little lopsided. The other MF rangefinder I have tried is the graflex XL series. These are very good cameras and the best german lenses are available and interchangeable. The biggest porblem wiht this sytem is the bulk and weight and the 100mm planar was never as good as the 80mm nikkor of the plaubel but I could shoot 6x6-6x9 which is very nice. These also could be had with the 47mm super angulon which makes an excellent portable wide angle camera which will make the 21 on your leica obsolete! Eventually I decided to move on to LF and just use my leicas for faster paced photography. The main reason being that with the exception of the plaubel I found it hard to use MF without a tripod and never got on good with the TLRs mostly because of the parallax error. So if I was going to carry around a tripod why not a lightwieght 4x5? Even more film, sharpness and camera movenmnents, lenses easily interchanged etc... In any case I would never hesitae to recomend the Plaubel for prints for up to about 40". Cheers George
  13. Not directly related to the topic but my deardorff 8x10 has a seperate rise and tilt in the front standard is this unusual? I have only seen a couple of deardorffs and always thought that they were the same less the front swing issue. Mine allows the lens board to move up and down maybe 3" and the little wing nuts can then be used to control the tilt. Cheers George
  14. I am not sure about your question but I have an extra crown with graflock in excellent condition that I would let go. I bought a couple up to modify and my needs were met before I needed this one. I did however completely dissasemble it a clean and regrease everything .It is a late top rangefinder model and as far a crowns go ready to go for another lifetime. I love the crown cameras as they are so versitile I use a 47mm SA on a flat board with mine and I modified the back for rear tilt. After it is stripped, I got mine down to only 3.5 lbs. Anyway I just thought I would offer my .02. Cheers George
  15. I have used the grandagon 90/6.8 and the wide field ilex 90/8 on my super graphic and except in very low light I have no problem focusing or viewing with either. Of the two I would recomend the grandagon becuase it has a normal filter thread other wise the results were very close maybe a little more contrast with the grandagon. When you go wider like 65mm things start getting difficult esapcially with the ektalite fresnel. I shoot nearly all color trasparency with the above so I think you will be pleased with the result. Cheers George
  16. I use a crown graphic for this purpose, I stripped it down so it weighs about 3 1/2 pounds it has limited shift rise capability. It will take lenses from 47-300. I shoot 6x12 almost exclusively for my color stuff and this combination works well I usually use the bogen 3021 with s set up . Cheers George
  17. I live in Long Beach and until very recently I was taking my stuff

    down to Terry's camera to get printed, I am shooting mostly 6x12

    transparency right now for my color work. I have been informed the lab

    they sent out to will no longer print these for me, I am looking for a

    lab close by to develope a new relatioship with as of now I am still

    interested in the wet process C and ilfochrome or what ever fuji calls

    thiers. I have called around only to find that many labs have become

    defunct and or no longer will print this stuff. If any one out there

    knows where I might be able to find this service your help will be

    greatly appreciated. Cheers George

  18. I live in Long Beach and until very recently I was taking my stuff

    down to Terry's camera to get printed, I am shooting mostly 6x12

    transparency right now for my color work. I have been informed the lab

    they sent out to will no longer print these for me, I am looking for a

    lab close by to develope a new relatioship with as of now I am still

    interested in the wet process C and ilfochrome or what ever fuji

    calls thiers. I have called around only to find that many labs have

    become defunct and or no longer will print this stuff. If any one out

    there knows where I might be able to find this service your help will

    be greatly appreciated. Cheers George

  19. I agree with the tiltall I think you might even be able to buy a new one for $100, less if you watch ebay for a week. I have and use the bogen 3021 now and I think the tiltall is just as stable if not more so, and the older ones are built to last forever. Cheers George
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