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Posts posted by tony_f.

  1. I would like to know if there is any difference between Heico Perma Wash and a hypo clearing agent. I'm use to the H.C.A. after the fixer for about 2 minutes and then about a five minute water wash. According to the label, this perma wash tells me to water rinse for 30 sec. then perma wash for 30, then rinse, then wash. Advice on the quality, the usage and/or any other useful info would be much appreciated. Happy developing!! Thanks!
  2. Couple of Questions.... 1. I shoot 400 speed film and I am wondering what the effects of slowing or quickening my shutter speed does to the film. 2. I found some D76 film developer in a cupboard opened and another in a fridge closed (all at work). I'm sure the stuff is at least 5 years old. What's the shelf life? 3. I'm starting up my own little darkroom - with my film, any suggestions as to the type of film developer, print developer, stop, fixer, etc.... THANKS!!!
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