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Posts posted by leonid

  1. I guess if you stretch the definition of irony from here to the

    moon , you might say that there are two types of human figures , one

    moving and ( ironically !!!) the other not . And three do have

    heads ... .




    Seriously , here is my take on the photo .

    Think of a lion . When it is in it's natural setting , it's very

    difficult to photograph ( cos' it could kill you ). However the

    one's at the zoo pose no such trouble . But photos taken in such a

    controlled environment will never be as interesting and vibrant (

    subject not slide film colours ) as those taken in the wild . Same

    thing with people , don't photograph the timid caged beasts , go for

    the wild and vicious ones outside .

  2. I have been thinking about doing this for a while . I have met

    quite a few people who tell me my stuff is marketable ( already

    screwed up one sale because I lost my negatives : ( ) . My

    problem is uncertainty in approaching an agent ( or gallery ) . Do

    you make an appointment , or just come in ? Anyone know about

    anything in the washington dc area ?

  3. I would say get the olympus .




    1- There's a huge used market , with good prices ( lot's of macro

    equipment too ).




    2- Without the winder , it is very small .




    3- om4 has one of the best metering systems of any camera ( 8 spot

    averaging ! )




    4 - You get much more for your dollar with the olympus than with

    either contax or leica .

  4. I have lived in brooklyn for most of my life ( most time spent in

    manhattan ) For a year or two , I have to live in washington dc . It

    is very hard to get interesting shots here because it is quite a

    touristy place .If you go past the union ... square ( oops wishful

    thinking ) station , you realize that most of dc is not so ... err

    nice , but much more photogenic ( crack houses and

    socialist/communist protestors anyone ? ) . Still I can't wait to get

    back to ny , hopefully never having to leave it again .

  5. Assuming sp stands for street photography , I use an m2 with a 12 (

    and 15mm ) heliar . When walking down the street , I hold the camera

    ( lens facing my thigh ) in my hand such that the viewfinder is

    sticking out between middle and ring finger . I meter with my

    sekonic , which is in my pocket . So long as you work quickly and

    smoothly , people tend not to notice you .




    By the way , my pcr refuses to work today and I too am quite

    peeved ... pissed .

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