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jose f.

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Posts posted by jose f.

  1. Welcome to the world of vintage cameras. Things get dried out,

    worn out, or else suffer from lack of use. Unless you see the invoices

    and know exactly what maintenance an old camera has received, this is

    the norm. Sending a couple bad slides or a strip of problematic

    negatives along with the camera can be a help to the technician. Faded

    colors sound like with flare or cloudiness in the lens. Acquiring a

    number of cameras in rapid succession makes it hard to keep ahead of

    CLA needs and complicates learning the machine intimately.

  2. I used to spend a lot of time in the '70s in the courtroom of an Idaho

    judge who was an avid Leica user, but his rule was 'no cameras' during

    proceedings. Generally there are statewide guidelines with a fair

    amount of latitude on the part of individual judges. But it varies

    widely state to state. Generally, judges who allow cameras require the

    photographer to remain in a fixed position and use something silent.

    In the 70s, this pretty well limited you to something other than a 35

    mm SLR, though I remember him being curious about the OM's. They

    didn't pass his personal standard for silence.

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