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Posts posted by xavier_dalfort

  1. Er?




    Leica is very heavy, especially th R system I love and cherish.

    Never mind my odd tastes.




    Your question baffled me. But of course I have no idea of how "good"

    it feels to have a ligher or heavier lens.




    Let me be a dictator: go to a shop, ask for both, mount them on you M

    Body, look at what seems better and sign off the check.




    You will feel good and this is my hope.




    Xavier from France with a taste for calf's head, R system and Provia


  2. The other day, I went to Serge's Shop, friend and corner photograph.




    Asking for fast film (Tmax 3200 for instance) he asked back what was

    my use.




    Then he recommended Ilford HP5. 400 ASA, fine grain (just got a nice

    contact sheet) esay to push and strong in Error and Try process.




    The XP2 is very fragile with manipulation, the ilfort infra red

    SFX200 is a bit strange to start with, the slides Scala 200 are





    Just my 0.02 Euro here but I think you will get nice marks using this

    film. Or you can take the Ilford 100 ASA (less versatile and slower).




    However, my favorite is the Agfa B+W agfapan, lovely. But I'm not too

    sure it is easy to use and develop nor about the chemical prices. A

    very bright and unique tone.




    Use Ilford to start with, when your style develops, use something



  3. Alfie:




    You are mostly describing what photo journalism is, in my view.




    However, I agree with you for not using too many filters and not

    using flashes or artificial lightings.




    But I disagree about "refraining from personnal taste". The main

    reason is that I take pictures for fun and to help my failing memory

    (in the far future!). As soon I trip the shutter, it's too late, my

    taste is in.




    It reminds me of the "automatic writing" some authors claimed during

    the "Dadaism Movement" (er, may be).




    Once, I saw the work of a photographer who attached an Autofocus all

    weather camera on his dog neck with a random picture taking. The

    Family as seen by Fido, Wah! This gentleman photographer was indeed

    in your movement....




    As for me, I decline your offer, I prefer to watch the light rather

    than photographing it. And for one second of real happiness, there

    are 18 hours of gloominess. To record those hours would be an apology

    to the Vogon Poetry.....




    Keep up Alfie!


  4. Er John:




    Why does it seems that the focus point is past the girl's face?




    This is because there is not enough details in the shadow of her eyes

    and the lower part of her face. This was the most important item of

    the photo. But the Ilford could not cope with the variation of light,

    I know, been there, tried it.




    We can barely see her hands, another important item.




    Which brings another subject: how do you decode a photo? Take the

    advertisements for the St Valentin in the magazine as an example.




    Best ones.

  5. Andy has contributed pretty well.




    Now, I'll give some of my secrets: I use the DOF often in a case

    where I have not time to properly adjust.




    You will tell me that with a R7, it's rather easy, well, it depends.




    As an example, you want to take pictures during the Chinese New Year

    Dragon Show in the streets of Paris on Feb 16th.




    You want to have portraits very sharp and blurry behind to enhance

    the photo. Of course, you are on the first ranks (1 to 3 meters) and

    you will pick your favorite 35mm (mine is 24 mm). To create the

    picture, you will choose an aperture that gives the desired results

    (with a 35mm, 4 or 5.6 may be, look at the scale).

    At close range (1.5 m)the DOF should be enough to cover the depth of

    a body/face. Farther, the main suject should show sharp in the





    It's a matter of experimentation. I leave you with all those

    dimensions to explore and find your own compromise, it will not work

    at once, keep trying.




    And... Have Fun.

  6. Stewart:




    Keep your 28mm, take photos, use 200 ASA instead of 100. For paper,

    there is almost no difference.




    Learn to use low speed, it's fun (even with a R7). Some of my best

    pix are with a Minox 35 35/2.8 at a speed of 1 sec.




    For the other lens, fix it if you want to use it, otherwise....




    Just a French advice....

  7. Gents:




    As you know, the Hexar RF is a good second camera for Leica M lens. Or you can use the Hexanon, not too bad would say the 35mm ASPH owners...

    FNAC (a large retailer) and Chasseur d'Images (monthly magazine, Leica biased, ahem) are producing a price list for second hand and an indication on if the equipment can be trade off against new stuff.




    About the Leica R: Most of the lens cannot be traded off, R8 and R7 and R6/6.2 are accepted

    About M, all M4 to M6 are accepted, all lenses are accepted but the M135 and the M280, the M400 and the M560




    And for the the HEXAR RF they sell 2300 Euros in a Kit, you can trade it under condition at 1300 Euros. Condition is "mostly subjected to the market"




    No mention of Cosina Voigtlander, I wonder why...




    Nice flop, eh? Too bad, the Hexar is a nice camera, as good as the G1/G2 which is a trade off for FNAC.




    Have a nice day.

  8. Luke,




    Before you start playing with withcraft, read what they say on





    A scratch will only show in very peculiar situation like Front light

    causing flare, etc.




    My experience is that the film are too often scratched by the lab,

    having a perfect lens feels like hammering down a fly.




    So? Unless you want to spend some $$$$, keep that money and buy a few

    packs of Provia.




    I should not disclose that but I bought a battered Summicron R 35/2,

    a little scratched and it delivers some of best pix I ever made. A

    scratch is far less important a damage in the coating due to some

    chemical action (such as acid rain) or overcleaning.




    Enjoy life!


  9. Er, Paolo, don't spend the extra on the 1.4/50, nice but heavy.




    Try to find a second hand 2/50, they are fine and usually in good





    If you are accustomed to the Zoom, a fixed focal might feel strange.




    It's nice for a challenge: I start off for a week end but I don't

    want to take more than a lens.

    Or: Let's work with a 50mm and see what comes out.




    Have fun.


  10. Hi Reinier




    Well, the SLR should have corrected by itself due to density of the





    But the cells are not responding equally to all light source. It

    might explain your observation.




    Reading the R7 handbook by Arthur Landt, the writer reccomends to try

    out although the TTL should work.




    So? It may be absolutely normal, give it another try.





  11. Amazing!




    I mean, the most elementary design of electronics implement a "Fool

    Proof" (no arm or pun intended, just an expresssion, Capito?)




    For BMW, the suppliers Like Siemens VDO or Blackpunt must design

    Navigation and In Car Radio able to support a inverted polarity or a

    24V (2X the battery).




    Hello Mister Leica? Come here to France, at least when the M6 fries,

    there will be a definite smell of Garlic.






  12. Hi Reinier:




    If you have a use for those filters, it could be a nice offer.




    If you don't have a clue of what to do with them, forget it and buy

    80 Bucks of film.




    Just a humble opinion from a French (it counts to almost nothing, I







  13. It all depends on the destination of your photos.




    For Internet use, low resolution (1200dpi) is the word. Try to look

    at the Microtek or Jenoptik.




    Although you can keep a M6 for 20 years, a Computer product ages a

    lot quicker, that's today's saying.




    Have a peep at the site www.zdnet.co.uk it will help.






  14. Lucien:




    Let's hope it is replaced with a camera that takes the ROM contacts

    in account.




    Given the depression in Germany, I suppose it won't.




    the R6.2 is of another world. I own a R7 and I'm proud of it but

    I'm "living in the past" (Jethro Tull)




    Thanks for the info.

  15. Gents:




    I spent two painstaking hours at a shop today, la Maison du Leica in Paris (http://www.maisonduleica.com). So Busy there.




    I met a young photographer, Benedicte, she came in to Buy a R6.2 for a trip to South America.




    Evoking the M serie she said, it would be great if the M darkens the area unused by the focal. In other word, a sort of mask to dimmer the unused part of the picture.

    She said that often the camera operator at her work place ask that the movie camera are modified so they can concentrate better.




    To me, it seems a good idea for the rumoured M7, using say liquid crystal properties.




    So, I deliver here her idea.


  16. Hello Dave:




    Why not buying a leica R7 body? As effective as a EOS, add a winder

    if you wish.




    Mind you, some EOS lens are very peaky, so I was told by my

    Photographer. So, why bother, just wave your credit card and claim ZE

    best of Ze Best of Canon

    For information, Yann Arthus Bertrand, famous for his landscape

    sceneries taken from the sky has used a Fuji 6x7 and a Canon EOS




    And those pix are breath taking....






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