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Posts posted by eric_reid

  1. I've shot about 10 or so rolls through my one month old M6TTL and 90% of my exposures are over by what looks like about one stop. While I haven't done any "scientific" testing, I have tried shooting in a variety of circumstances: all manners of times of day, indoors, outdoors, with and without a tripod, different subjects, pushing one or two rolls, etc., all in an effort to test my metering ability and hone in on the problem. I'm finding the exposures remarkably consistent in their over-exposure -- I don't have some that are four stops over and others one stop. It may be my technique (I'm far from a pro), however, before purchasing my new M6, I rented one for a few days, shot about 10 rolls with it, and had no similar exposure problems (other than a few simple mis-exposures that I clearly screwed up). In order to be consistent, I've been using all Delta 400 BW neg. film. That's the background, here's the question:




    1. From the brief description, is it likely the camera or my technique? Camera's new from a local authorized dealer, USA, etc. and of course I can take it in to be checked if need be.




    2. Could it be the film? Does Delta 400 (set at ASA400 on the M6)have any tendency to over-expose?




    3. If your recommendation is to have the camera checked, I will have to do so after a weekend's shooting at a friend's distant wedding (not the official photog. of course). Given this, what would you recommend to correct for the problem in the meantime -- simply metering normal and then closing down a stop? Or is there a better way (e.g., having the lab pull it a stop?)




    Thanks in advance for all your advice -- I'm a daily lurker here and your posts have taught me a lot about my new camera. ER

  2. Thanks to all who took the time to break out their Leica's and

    compare notes. From your responses, my sense is that most of you

    share some or all of these, well... "characteristics" of the camera.

    Since I bought it locally (Samy's in LA) just last week, I think I'll

    bring it and the lens back in and compare them with a few more bodies

    and lenses. They'll think I'm insane of course, but no more so than

    I already believe I am for spending this much time posting and

    analyzing responses to my hypersensitive questions (other than the

    flare, that's not hypersensitive. Or the gritty lens. Well, the

    play in the camera back bothers me too...). I do think the QC ought

    to be better since one part of what we're buying is a group of well-

    machined parts interfacing with tight tolerances. Oh well, maybe the

    Leica gods are punishing me for not spending enough at the shop --

    better start looking at the 90/f2.8 and a bunch of accessories. I

    think the most valuable contribution clearly came from Bob

    Fleischman; except my version will be to meter with the M6 then shoot

    with my Contax T2. Heck, isn't its 38mm Zeiss lens better than those

    soft gritty Leicas' anyway? :)

  3. I've been following this forum for a few weeks and it helped convince me to lighten my bank account by purchasing a new M6 TTL with a 35/f2. Previously, I rented an M6 classic and borrowed a friend's M6 TTL for a test drive before making the leap. Now, I've got the new baby in my hot little hands and, of course, I'm concerned about a few things that may or may not be peculiar to the body and lens I bought. Heretowith, my own type-A list of questions for the experts on this board. Please go get your Leicas and sit with me for a few moments of contemplation and hand-holding through this difficult time...




    1. Rangefinder focus patch flare. Yes, I know they all do it and I've read all the posts. Putting aside the fact that my $2000 camera body has this inherent ridiculous problem, my question is -- do all of you who have M6 TTLs have flare severe enough to make focusing extremely difficult (particularly interiors or low light)? I'm concerned that I simply won't get many shots because I can't focus the damn thing. Have you tried more than one M6 TTL body to determine whether all flare about the same amount? (I tried a few bodies at the store before I was embarassed about being so anal that I took the seemingly best one, paid and left.)




    2. Camera back. The camera back that hinges open has slight side-to-side play when closed on my body. Normal?




    3. Film Loading. Yes, I know it can be tricky when you first get a Leica; however, I had no loading problems on the 6 or 7 rolls I ran through the M6 I rented, and none on my friend's M6 TTL. Now, as soon as I put the cash on the table for my very own puppy, Mr. Murphy stepped in and it took 3 or 4 tries to load the very first roll! I know how to do it -- question is, if you've been doing it fine before, is it a sign that there could be problem with the particular body I bought?




    4. Lens. My 35 Summicron has a faintly gritty sound/feel in the middle third of its focus range when turning the focus ring. Anyone else experience this on their lens, whether when new only or at all times?




    5. Shutter sound. While all other Leica's I've looked at have a noticably different sound around 1/15 sec. (at 1/15, you start to hear the spring wind-down just following the click of the shutter). On mine, you hear the spring wind-down sound at 1/30th -- anyone else?




    I know, I know, I should probably just use it and love it. However, I haven't noticed these things on the other Leica's I tried and I wanted to know if anyone else has before I start to run film through it, etc. and it becomes difficult to exchange for another body.




    I appreciate your help. You all unknowingly talked me into this thing - now help me make sure it'll be ok for the lifetime use that I hope to make out of it!




    Eric Reid

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