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Posts posted by carl_weller

  1. aaaahhh, its great to find another kiwi on the net!




    one thing you might want to consider is whether or not the lovely

    people in customs plan to screw you out of your savings with a hefty

    tax bill. there must be a book or something that you can get from

    customs for advice.




    the 7e is also on my 'maybe' list. the vertical grip is cool,

    especially if you've got big hands.




    as to the lenses:




    what i find is that i do most of my shooting in the 150-300mm range so

    i can get a good tight shot without sitting right on top off what i'm

    trying to photograph. when i need a wide-angle lens then its only

    really for landscapes or architecture - then i just chuck the trusty

    20mm on the camera.




    i really find the intermediate focal lengths (basically everything

    from 35mm to about 90mm)a bit too 'normal'. when you want a tight shot

    use a tele (my fave is the 70-200 4.0 'cos its good AND won't force

    your bank manager to put a contract out on you), for a wide shot use a

    real wide angle (you'll freak if you see the difference between a 24mm

    and a 20mm). later you can chuck in a 50mm 1.8 (really good value) for

    the normal shots. of course, this is a good deal more of an investment

    than the 24-85mm.




    why not think about waiting on the speedlight for a bit and getting

    the 28-135mm IS? it hasn't got the low end on the wide angle, but

    otherwise gives you far more possibilities in a single lense and lets

    you leave the tripod at home or use slower film.

  2. aaaahhh, its great to find another kiwi on the net!




    one thing you might want to consider is whether or not the lovely

    people in customs plan to screw you out of your savings with a hefty

    tax bill. there must be a book or something that you can get from

    customs for advice.




    the 7e is also on my 'maybe' list. the vertical grip is cool,

    especially if you've got big hands.




    as to the lenses:




    what i find is that i do most of my shooting in the 150-300mm range so

    i can get a good tight shot without sitting right on top off what i'm

    trying to photograph. when i need a wide-angle lens then its only

    really for landscapes or architecture - then i just chuck the trusty

    20mm on the camera.




    i really find the intermediate focal lengths (basically everything

    from 35mm to about 90mm)a bit too 'normal'. when you want a tight shot

    use a tele (my fave is the 70-200 4.0 'cos its good AND won't force

    your bank manager to put a contract out on you), for a wide shot use a

    real wide angle (you'll freak if you see the difference between a 24mm

    and a 20mm). later you can chuck a 50mm 1.8 (really good value) for

    the normal shots. of course, this is a good deal more of an investment

    than the 24-85mm.




    why not think about waiting on the speedlight for a bit and getting

    the 28-135mm IS? it hasn't got the low end on the wide angle, but

    otherwise gives you far more possibilities in a single lense and lets

    you leave the tripod at home or use slower film.

  3. wow! you've got exactly the same problem that i do (and probably about

    a million other people i guess).




    2 things to throw into the mix:








    the eos 3 is the oldest camera in the canon lineup, with a problem

    similar to that of the rebel 2000 (which seems to have gone from

    class-leader to somewhere in mid-field 'cos nikon and minolta have

    upgraded theirs recently). yeah of course there's also the A2E - but,

    come on, that things been around since '92 so it shouldn't even be

    considered in a NEW camera purchase debate. when i look at how fast

    the other manufacturers are moving i just hope canon get its ass into

    gear sometime soon. not that the 3's not great - it is - but its great

    technology from 1998! maybe thats the reason why the 3 is going so

    cheap at the moment - to get rid of stockpiles before they bring out

    the replacment.








    a camera is a light-tight box. the lens makes the picture. you can

    probably get better pictures - of course with less custom features

    etc. - by buying the 7e and a nice shiney new lens.

  4. i bought the sigma for just that reason - and for travel photos it's

    great, especially if you want to fit a lot in the frame

    the extra 9 degrees of coverage a 24mm gives you are worth their

    weight in gold(i used the 24mm setting mainly for architectural shots

    in vienna and munich). and the 2.8 is of course great - once you've

    had a zoom lens with a bit of speed you won't ever want to rejoin the

    "coach-class" with their 3.5-5.6's. the results i have got with it (so

    far only about 10 rolls of film) are just great - really proves what a

    lot of people have been saying about the shit canon lenses say - yes i

    said shit CANON lenses - that come with the kits most of start out





    what i can't tell you is whether its as good as the canon 28-80 2.8 -

    probably not given the price difference AND THAT IS EXACTLY THE POINT.

    if spending twice as much for what is probably a 5-10% increase in

    quality is what turns you on then go and stand over there with the

    "3rd party sucks" crowd. you gets what you pays for - all you have to

    decide is how much you want to pay!




    at the end of the day its whats on the photo, not what name is on the

    lens. sometimes i wonder if the whole canon and nikon vs. the 3rd

    party debate is not really some obscure form of equipment snobbery.




    And when they say your sigma will be junk in 5 years SO WHAT! in 5

    years they will have made quantum leaps in lens design and you can use

    the money you saved not buying a canon lens to get yourself a nice new

    3rd party lens once more - and improve your photography the real way

    by taking more photos (that you can now afford to get developed 'cos

    you're not saving like a madman for your lenses).




    if i sound like an "i hate canon" loon, then you're in for a schock -

    canon make fantastic lenses, and as soon as i win lotto i'll replace

    all my 3rd party solutions with the real thing.

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