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Posts posted by wilhelm

  1. I agree. It's a lovely size. And If there was any sign at all of its viability (film, holders, etc) it's what I'd be shooting instead of 5x7 (just slightly too small for satisfactory contact prints), or 8x10 (too damn big and heavy). But I'm afraid that this size is, truly, dead.
  2. Roger, I don't believe that the Contax was ever considered superior

    to Leica in quality of construction. But it certainly had better

    lenses, and on paper, at least, better features (combined RF/VF,

    bayonet lens mount, removable back, self-timer, etc.). A major

    reason that many photojournalists preferred Nikon was their being

    stroked by the importers (Joe Eisenrich(sp)) where Leitz, like Zeiss,

    didn't think they needed to compete with those upstart Japanese. Ha!

  3. Unless you're making Clyde Butcher size prints, the purpose of Large

    Format cameras isn't to get sharper negatives, it's to enjoy the LF

    experience. Setting up the tripod, having a large enough screen to

    see the whole image with both eyes, and so forth. If you're not

    getting the pleasure from LF, (it doesn't matter whether your

    pictures are any good), and you enjoy MF photography, then do it.

    That's what life is all about.

  4. Yes there are studies (of similar situations, I don't know of any on

    the enlarger). Until fatigue sets in, standing is more efficient,

    thus presumably you also get better prints. A good compromise is a

    using a tall stool to rest your bumm between prints.

  5. I just got an email from Leica announcing the M7 and other stuff. They also gave company data which indicated that Minox is no longer part of the group, in part resulting in lower gross and net income. Just what is Minox status? Martin...?
  6. "Everybody" loved Eisie. But I always wondered if he was one of the

    truly great photographers, or just a really competent worker (like so

    many of us) with a great personality, who shot a lot and occasionally

    got lucky. HC-B, Gene Smith, Edward Weston, for example, left dozens

    and dozens of great and memorable photographs, but I can only think

    of two with Eisie: The Nurse and the Sailor, and The Kids Following

    the Drum Major. I'm not trying to put him down here, as I love and

    respect him, but I think that it's fair to ask, Is/was He Overrated?

  7. I just take a bunch of pictures of the kinds of things that I usually

    shoot, exposing at plus/minus one stop from the rated ISO at 1/3 stop

    intervals. Look at the negatives to see which has the minimun

    acceptable shadow detail. And then use that EI. Anything else is

    too complicated for (my) practical use. That's for B&W (and color

    slides purchased several bricks with the same emulsion number). For

    color negative I just use one stop more exposure than rated ISO.

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