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Posts posted by peter_mcdonough

  1. Hi William,

    I use the Bostick/Sullivan Ziatype process to make Chrysotypes. I merely substitute 5% gold chloride, from B&S, for Pt/Pd. I like Lithium Feric Oxalate with the gold. The temp/humidity should be in the 65% to 80% area. To tone down the contrast, use 40% Tungsten also from B/S.

    Good luck.


  2. Hi Jeff,

    The red dot is a coated, newer lens. The plain apo may or may not be coated. Most of them started out uncoated and were later coated. Both are optimized for 1:1 unless they were mounted in a shutter. When mounting, many owners had them re-optimized for 1:15, or so. I had an apo that was coated before mounting and re-optimized for 1:18. It was a very sharp lens and had beautiful tonal characteristics.

    Best of luck, Jeff.


  3. Hi Everybody,

    I was also dissappointed in this month's issue of VC. What most suprised me was the extensive article on: The Photography of Thomas Struth: Precise & Analytical, But Not Without Heart. I initially thought it was a very tongue in cheek humor piece. When I realized it wasn't, I was angry. I realized if people are paying hundreds of thousand dollars for what I consider amaturish nonsense, perhaps I should give my rejects a second and maybe third look. The fact that the writing in the article was so poor, disappointed me as well. Too much postmodern bullshit.


  4. Hi Jason,

    I have a symmetrical wide angle that had waterhouse stops from appx f/16 to f/64. When I had it removed from its original housing and mounted into a shutter, the aperture was increased to f/5.6. At this increased aperture a great deal of spherical aberration was introduced. The resulting image displayed a beautiful glow and softened appearance. Stopping down eliminated this effect. Without the brass stop your lens may be brighter but softer. Stopping it down would correct the softness.


  5. Hi George,

    Thanks for your post. I responded to Wisner's two for one film deal and never received the film. when the film failed to arrive I sent a number of emails but heard nothing in return. After a couple of months of silence I emailed them to cancel the order and...didn't hear a thing. I had considered buying one of their 8x10's, but am seroiusly reconsidering.


  6. Hello,

    I've been using TP for years with great results. I give it a two min. soak in water, drain, and pour in the Technidol. Agitation is per Kodak. I've never used the Kodak method but have nevertheless gotten great negatives. The watersoak has also eliminated streaking problems with 120TP as well.Good luck.


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