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Posts posted by alfred_alfred

  1. <p>I hope your problem is only curtain springs. I had one M3 with 1 million+ serial number. The curtains became crumple and causes irregular shutter timing due to friction. No choice i had it replace for USD400 + CLA + Leatherette change. Now it works like a New camera. So smooth and nice leather.</p>
  2. My 6x9 Voigtlander Bessa II bellow suffers from aging problem. Majority of the

    the corners have pin hole tears. And the camera suffers from major light leak.


    Now, should i change the Bellow completely?? I am not sure if the repairman

    can change it to a original voigtlander bellow again. I heard they used a

    special black paper instead.


    What and how should i get it repair. And yet no affect the originality of it

    and affect the resale price if i want to sell it one day.


    The Bessa is with HELIAR lens.

  3. Just to find out what focusing technique and aperatures should i used for the

    following subjects and compositions.


    1. Portrait of a child with side window lighting.

    This is understandable the aperature at F2 and focus at the eyes with child

    centre of picture. ok for this.


    2. Subject of a mother behind with child sitting infront.

    As both subjects have different distances. How should i focus? The child

    infront or the mother behind? For such back and front scenes, usually who

    should i focus? At what aperature should i used for 35mmF2 ASPH? I still

    required some softness at background . Will F4 or 5.6 be ok? F11 or F16 is a

    sure bet. But i think it's too much detail and harsh. I required soft at the



    3. Subject of a mother and child seating side by side. F5.6? F4? Who to focus?


    4. Shooting at aperature F2 and positioning the subject (a cup on a table)at

    one corner of the picture frame to blur out the background. First, I focus the

    cup correctly sharp at the center and composed the cup at one corner. But the

    subject ends up not sharp afer i have re-composed. How does one gets a sharp

    subject by placing it at one corner of the picture frame using F2 aperature?


    5. I understand this 35mmF2 ASPH lens is at max optical performance at F4. When

    should this F4 be used?


    Unlike SLR, you can see the subjects Thru-The-Lens. How does one gets it right

    for a Rangefinder viewfinder ??? Please share your experiences.



  4. Hi All,


    I manage to inherit this Nikon Rangerfinder. I am no sure if it's a S2 or S3.

    The serial number is 6173XXX. Chrome. With a 50mm f1.4 lens.Nikkor S.C. 379XXX.

    Nippon Kogaku. Comes with a metal hood with E.P. white engrave inside a diamond



    Everything is working, except the viewfinder. The horizontal and vertical

    alignment is out. Can it be fixed?

  5. Hi all.


    I have a Bessa II. And the corners of the bellow, just where they bend at

    90Degs are crack and light leaks in. The leaks are small pin hole sizes.


    1) How can i repair this myself ??

    2) How do i maintain the bellow to prevent anymore light leakages.


    Many thks.

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