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Image Comments posted by rsb

    Floral Abstract


    no way would a more pristine flower help. A tiny bit more DOF would since that one turned petal is out of focus towards the top right of the frame.


    The fact that the flower is messed up and the contrast give this photo a bit of an original look to a shot that is done over and over again.



    Hey mike,


    if that is the door knob, where is the door?


    I like it... it is thought provoking. It is tough for me to critique more than saying I like it, sorry.


    i need to check this site more... I upload pics and then dont come back for months. I saw your comment--I wanted to see you and Laura... I dont know what happened... you know how I like to travel and plan the day before...excuses, excuses. Anyway I am comming back for a visit in the winter.

  1. I cut the bottom off because I didnt want to include the city or the road I was standing on in the frame and the sky was most stunning higher up. Also, I didnt have a tripod or neutral density filters to include the darker areas at the bottom. It was one of those situations that you curse yourself for not being prepared, yet I still had a good time handholding 1/15 sec shots in 20 degrees F without a jacket.
  2. I included the original scene in the attachment in comment One. I took the photo of the moon during the same shoot, but it was on the wrong side of the sky, so I moved it to where I wanted it. There are many differences between the original and the submitted photo. There is no large light pole and no billboard in the submitted photo either.



    I do like the photo, but I am ot sure about the colors. I feel like it should be white. What color is it really?


    Also, I would give up on Kodak Gold especially ISO 200. If you are going to pay top dollar for the local drug store's best, why not go on down to B&H and pick up some professional film for the same price. Unfortunately, I do not have a recommendation for color negative film only for slide film... for architecture--Provia.



    The problem is not the shallow DOF, but the way it is used. I think it would have been more powerful if the nearest object to the photographer (his coat) was slightly out of focus followed by in-focus eyes and the background out of focus again.


    (Note: I understand selective focus would have been difficult on what looks to be a street shot and I do like the photo.)

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