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Image Comments posted by lisa_m._holley

    Fond Memory

    I feel as if you captured something we all wish we still had to this day and that is the freedom and innocence of such a wonderful childhood. Just my opinion, though, for what it is worth.


    John, thanks for the comments on this shot. I have to say, though, that shot was not set up at all. My friend was attempting to shoot another shot...and yes while driving...and they moved the camera and hit the shutter. This is what came out. I thought it was pretty cool for something they were not trying to get, but crazy for trying to take a shot while driving in bad weather...snow and rain. But I guess when you are by yourself driving you don't really have the option of having someone else take a picture for you. I personally like what came out, and I will be sure to let my friend know your thoughts. LOL Thanks.
  1. Michael, what I like about this shot is the mysterious, yet peaceful feel I get from it. The fog and the boats give it the mysteriousness, and the bird you captured so well, gives it a more peaceful sense. The reflections of the trees on the water were also captured very well. Great composition. I love it. Hope to see some great shots from Paris. It is a beautiful place...or used to be. Have fun.
  2. Thanks, Michael. I didn't know if I should have cropped off more than I already had or not, but I can see by your alteration of the shot, it looks good. I was also afraid to go too dark, which again you showed me that I could have gone a little darker. As for saturation I played around with it and this is where I ended with it. Thanks for taking the time to show me your thoughts of what you did with the picture. I really like it.

    Who Is This?

    I am assuming Who made it back to his nest okay. He stayed until almost dark before he walked off. They will not fly during daylight. We have several owls in our backyard, as part of our yard is very wooded and goes back a good ways. Sometimes owls are known for falling from their nest and getting lost, and I am assuming this is what happened. But he headed back in the direction of where we have seen them sitting in the trees at night. He was pretty cool to watch.
  3. I have to agree with Michael on the color in this shot. It is beautiful in my opinion...and as for the fuzziness around the little ones, aren't they supposed to look fuzzy? Just kidding. It is a little fuzzy, but not to the point that it distracts me from the color, and the ripples in the water as they are swimming away. I like the composition. Good job.

    Floating By

    Everytime I look at this I see something different. I feel as if I can see things being reflected back at me in a mirror, and I particularly find it interesting that part of the shot is almost symmetrical. Very interesting piece. Nice work.

    Who Is This?


    This owl just showed up between the shrubbery of our house one

    morning, lost. Stayed until dark, as they will not fly during the

    daylight. He was pretty friendly as I was able to get this close.

    Comments and suggestions are welcomed on how to make this a better

    shot. Thanks.

    Chillin' Taz

    Thanks for your comment, John. I really appreciate it. Sometimes I am just experimenting, and this was one of those ocassions. What can I say?

    Chillin' Taz

    Seeing that I was working with my new teleconverter lens, all I was doing was taking quick shots and comparing results. Whether it is a snapshot to you or a photograph to others was not my goal with this shot. I accomplished what I set out to do.
  4. Trying to get a different angle on this building without getting all

    the other clutter buildings in the the picture. I had fun taking

    this shot, good or not. I guess the fun makes me like it. Comments

    and suggestions are welcomed.

  5. Terry, I know where you are talking about and I am shoot from the parking deck at St. Joseph's hospital which overlooks the MARTA station. This was taken from the lower level. I can go up to the top deck and get a different view, and I even know of another parking deck to shoot from just down the street. I am going to try that when I can find the time. Thanks for the suggestion about the bridge running over 400. It is really not a good place to shoot, though. Been there, done that.
  6. Thank you very much, Daniel. I took this shot from my car sitting in traffic and was surprised it came out. I thought it was okay, but people seem to like it. The top of the building closes, as well. That is pretty cool.


    Maybe it is the beaten up row boats that bother me. I am so used to seen nice, sleek row boats that these row boats leave me a little disappointed. But like John said, great DOF and the colors are captured nicely, although not that bright and colorful. Other than that, I don't know what to say about this shot. Find me a sleek row boat! LOL
  7. Well the colors are definitely stunning in this photograph. On the other hand, the doorway to the right I would not have known was a doorway had I not looked at the upper right corner of the picture. I thought it was a painte wall. I think this is because the white in the middle right doesn't stand apart from the other side of the doorway. I think this shot has a lot of potential, though.
  8. Thanks for the comments, both of you. And Michael, thanks for point out the sharpening factor. Sometimes you are so focused on the picture in its entirety that you forget about the smaller details of the picture. I will be more watchful of that. Thanks for showing that in detail.
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