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Posts posted by imran_ahmed

  1. I used the 35-350 L lens on my EOS 1V. The results were excellent and it was

    convenient though heavy for a single travel lens. Now I am using EOS 5D and am

    happy with the results. However the lens used is 28-135 IS (old one),. I would

    like to know about the 28-300 Lens and whether I should buy this or 24 - 105/4

    L lens. My concern is that for the latter aperture may be too small for

    indoor. Hence I could use 28/2.8 old lens . Thanks

  2. I have asked this question many times to dealers, friends etc. Collectables are popular in cycles. Look at stamps for example, I questioned the wisdom of buying in late 1990's when prices were 'low' and there was no interest in school kids (there is not much now with all the games revolution). However stamps have gone up by 250% in some cases. The people are bending backwards to pay for superb condition. Alas if you want a higher resale in future you must keep your camera mint and have it's box. I am confident that prices will come back.I can see on E Bay there is nt much rare or fine Leicas available as they used to be 5 years ago. Infact with so many fixed prices and Leica copies, it is strain to scroll down EBay pages. However not for user material as film will be not be commonly available. I have kept a user M3 and M2 for picture taking and it is a different experience all together. I want to work harder with my Leicas on composition, lighting situations than digital. Digital is very convenient but not much fun to hold and use.
  3. I was in UK recently and took my M7 along with Canon EOS 5D. For Leica I had

    Leica 28 , TE 28-50 and 21 lens of current types. I took a lot of pain to

    compose decent shots with Leica.The film was Kodak 200. I took the rolls to

    boots , snappy snaps (expensive!) for D&P. The results were terrible. Whereas

    the prints made from Canon EOS were excellent. The lab guy told me that print

    film has grain (crap!) etc. This really brings into question whether I should

    take Leica at all on my travels. Previously the D&P in England was quite good

    including high street Kodak concessions. I would hate not to use my Leica

    again Can any one help. By the way I do not develop or print at home. The

    pictures of Italy posted by Federick Muller from Italy are awesome. Thanks

  4. I was in London for last 10 days. There was some business but mainly

    to collect the leica cameras which I purchased from the late Collins

    collection recently auctioned(in parts) in Georgia (iGavel). It was

    cold but light was excellent last week. I used a Leica Ic with

    50/elmar and a M4P with 35 (last summicron). I was exteremly pleased

    with the results. The image was not as crisp as current lenses but

    the photos looked better (more depth !!! ). I have prints and will

    try to scan them on a flatbed and will post some here.

  5. Thanks Mark for your valuable advise. Unfortunately cameras sold here are not covered under any warranty. I suspect that the IS of my new 28-135 mm lens confused something in 5D. I agree with you that UK is not a solution and will probably send it to Singapore. However it is 2nd time I have had problem witha Canon higher end camera new from box (It was 1V before !). I have never had problems with Nikon.
  6. I am extremely disappointed. I paid USD 3.5K for Canon 5D based on

    members reccomendations. First I noticed that camera was heavy on

    battery. I had to recharge even when I stored the camera in off

    position. Today I used a 28-135 IS lens and as people were moving

    (low light) tried to take a grab shot. The camera is now not

    operating and shows a ERR 99 error. I have tried removing the lens

    and re-installing the battery but the message does not go. In

    Pakistan there is no Canon service center. I am now quite worried as

    to what to do. I wonder if any one could advise me about this

    problem. Furthermore if I send this camera to a Canon service center

    in UK (my brother is there) how long would they take to fix it and

    whether it would be free as it should. (Camera is 1 month old but

    bought here brand new). I will really appreciate some quick advise.

    Thanks a million in advance!

  7. Hi Sandy !


    I thought I was the only mug collecting and using S/M Leicas. The lens have a different look. Summars, elmars and summitars 50 mm all have different fingerprints. My english is not so good to describe these in details. The problem with earlier LTM lens is flare. If you don't shoot against the sun or strong lighting an uncoated Xenon is also quite nice. For the body mounting these on M is not a good idea. Strangely the resulst were always better on S/M bodies than using an adaptor. I would suggest you buy a III G or IIIF and buy a 50 and 35 Viewfinder (Leica or the newer voightlander). You will be happy as a IIIF can slip in your pocket. Infact they are more elegant than any M bodies

  8. Trevor,


    I have been meaning to ask this for a long time. I would like to know how do you manage to post such high contrast pictures. (slideshow on this thread). I have never been able to do this. Do you have a special scanner which you would reccomend. Are the pictures touched up by photoshop ?. Please do share !

  9. Afzal, unless you are shooting wide open or close ups. Both these rangefinders may be used on a focus zone basis i.e. F5.6+. I have found the marking on early LTM lens for dof quite accurate. Furthermore the VF is so small it is better to put a VF accesory

    on top. Voightlander is quite economical. Leica 5omm VF is also available at arounf GBP 55 or so.

  10. Hi ! I have had opportunity to own and use nearly all high end lenses of Nikon, Canon , Contax and Leica R. IMHO this is how I would rate them in order of preference. The Leica R lens are all of current specs.


    Focal Length :


    19/20 mm Leica , Nikon , Canon , Contax


    28mm Contax , Canon/Nikon, Leica (all f 2.8)


    35 Canon (35/1.4L) , Leica 35/.4 , Nikon (35/2) , Contax


    50 Leica (new 50/1.4) , Contax 50/1.4 , Nikon 50/1.4, Canon


    85 Minolta 80/1.4G , canon 85/1.2, nikon 80/1.4 , Contax 80/1.4


    90 Leica 90/2.8


    135 Canon 135/2L, Contax, Nikon , Leica


    180mm Leica (180 apo), Nikon , Contax ,


    all the best.

  11. Thanks for all the excellent information. There are some C-41 Kodak and Fuji B+W films available, however I was not happy at the prints received from a local lab. There are excellent digital labs, Fuji has a large franchise here and they develope slides like Velvia etc.

    Owen I live in the South (Karachi). The labs are spread everywhere including the North. However unless you are using ASA 100 film, it is best you get your film stock from abroad.Let me know ehen you are coming may be we can meet.

  12. I wonder what Leica plans are the members making for 2006. I intend

    to go for a trek in the Karakorums to K2 (May) and take my MP, M6TTL

    and 28,35 and 90 summi's. I will seriously look into acquiring a M

    50 asp lens budget and wife allowing! I wonder if some of us willbe

    abandoning film totally in 2006. In any case I wish every one a

    Happy and safe 2006.

  13. As some time has passed since issue of this lens and more members

    would have acquired and used it. I have read about focusing ring

    stiffness. However is this lens really worth acquiring. I am asking

    this question as I like to do available light and indoor (no flash)

    photography. I have a noctilux but close range focusing is a problem

    for me with this lens especially if set at F 1.0.I have weak

    eyesight. Even with gglasses there is astigmatism. The investment is

    quite heavy hence my question.In the past I did try the Canon 50/1.0

    EOS lens but it's quality at F1.0 was not up to Noct standard.

  14. Most of Leica lovers actually used a Leica before getting enchancted

    by picture quality, and subsequently building or improving their

    Leica outfits. In my case my first Leica was IIIF with summitar

    which I got in USA while in College. I was a Canon A-1 user and

    after a 6 months of acquiring the Leica (USD 150 Mint-) gave it a

    try. I nearly gave up as could not get the film to load properly.

    However when I got the test results my views changed towards

    this 'pesky' camera outfit.


    The 50 summitar results were considerably better than my Canon FD

    50/1.4 lens which is also excellent. I have kept that IIIF despite

    being tempted to sell it at what would now be a profit.

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