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phil r calgary ab canada

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Image Comments posted by phil r calgary ab canada

  1. very nice... a basic idea of the colour wheel but you did it well... what woulda been neat if you can find a light table of some sort to shoot a photo of the colours barely lit, dunno how well it work but it's cool stuff, cheers

    Still Life B&W


    yummmmm! that's such a cool parallel between the billows and the fan, the flower seems a bit too light to put on the fan as some of it is lost in the similar contrast, the square light off the small vase is well placed, but seems a little angular against such a round form, i might have put it more central to the image, maybe even at the center of the fan splaying outwards from the vase


    neat old camera though is the other object a case for it? i can't tell, maybe i'm too young to reconize what it is, maybe a comment of does the still life have obvious appeal to audience, ohwell, it's nicely composed and lit



    it's intreguing image, sitting in the middle of a overgrown house, there's a wildness to it, something surreal about why she's sitting there, what's about to happen, gets the imagination firing up


    only thing i'd change was the crossed arms to open, not sure, maybe just if hands were clasped, or on one knee, cool location though




    this one drew me in from all of your stuff, i really like the reflections and the detail of her hand and the ripples, awesome photograph and huge contrasty tones


    woah... crazy... half way between fear and shyness, ducking down like that, very human experience of an image, it's awesome in a way asking what kind of stuff is going on outside the photograph that the person is looking towards

    colored by hand


    wow... neat stuff, photoshop'd toning? very nicely done, you got a lot of patience, and a good strong composition to work with


    to me, the only thing i notice about it seems detracting is the fading around the frame, i like the rest of the background though


    it leaves me wonderng what's he's thinking, good stuff



    too dark on eyes and hair, but a neat siloette against the backdrop, dunno what to say to might have improved it, mostly more light as it's a decent expression and lots of character from the hair, just not light enough


    it's sorta a classic expression finger up against temple almost though the other finger seems jammed against nose, just really stating what i notice about the photo as hand placement really affects a whole photo


    keep shooting though




    honestly, it doesn't do much for me as a portrait, but nice high contrast on the bridge, neat angle to shoot with a super-wise angle lens, what's the person doing there? if they were walking closer into the frame perhaps, but goodo

    Girl in Car

    i like it, creative and dreamy staring out the window, the greens in her eyes really stand out against the window, cool, you really caught a moment, it doesn't seem posed in the least

    fashion 2


    there's sooo much grain that it almost took away from her skin tone and contrast of the photo IMHO,


    it's too bad that you didn't have more of a chance to reflect some light on her somehow or fill-in shadows, is there a reason behind that?


    because i really like the look on her face, the composition -- athough you chopped off her hand at the wrist ohwell -- and wild sensual tanktop and street style allured by people walking in the background, so keep shooting



  2. idunno it was a good creative challenge to get away with the shot without getting wet, my editor specified a beach scene, chillin on the rocks... in shorts in the middle of winter... so i found her water...


    true enough horizontal would work better, but my newspaper has a vertical format for the front page... two advil and a litre of water will get rid of the hangover, take it easy





    sea side

    i like the midground of the cliffs all misty, the harsh siloettes are awesome as it's not your average day at the beach, but i don't see the story right away, i'm left wondering what is happening in the distance and why that guy is standing in the foreground, where was that taken??



    composition seems an odd crop when i see it, i don't know why just her one shoulder almost too back and really closely cropped, but that's my spontanious opinion, it could be just a shot from the hip in the moment you had that mood from her


    on the good though, the expression on her face and warmth of the smile and tones of the grays just makes me go wow, i hope my shoot goes that well in a couple days time i have some lil'uns to take pictures of, kudos, i totally agree her mom will love that picture, one thing drawing me in is the eyes are so sharp, righto thanks for the inspiration



  3. ohh that's amusing for some reason i like it, it's like a snail traffic jam... and one's just had it and swerved right off the "road" is this just my imagination, but it's trouble in snail civil engineering:) for the photo, it has beauty colours, nice crisp details, it's snails!! idunno:)


    for the suggestions box, could be balanced to both half bricks, off centre works too. did you mean to crop it that way, you did nick the edge of one of their shells off, were there any more snails?


    did you try doing it from a snails eye view, lens parallel to the bricks with them peaking over the edges of the brick from the mortar base?


    i just always think of 3ideas of different shots i would do, but cool:) keep shooting there and take it easy





  4. i hate to sound like i can't imagine it but i just can't... i don't see it, where's the electric tailed cartoon figure?


    if you mean the thing in the middle, i think it's the water droplet splashing up, i'm not trying to be harsh but it just looks like a blob honestly.


    as a photo, this one has some neat lines and cicles; the experiments you can do with a digital camera, water and light are endless... so keep going nuts with that stuff, it's fun eh


    argggg please reply and tell me where he is, it's like those 3D things where you are supposed to see the boat, the second it is pointed out it's like wow neat. Until then it's just ripples in the water. Don't know how I couldn't help more.



    one thing that might of helped was a bigger image size, maybe it's more clear blown up... which i'll try now, ok i faintly see it, but more to be done to it if you have time or inclination.


    i sorta can make out the ears. and the tail is the chain/cord. the rest of the face maybe just got hidden too much by the drain-hole or plug... i'm assuming it might be a tub or sink


    if i could find him, i'd play with photoshop and add colour in a second layer under the original water photo. it might look really awesome with a bit of colour and the chrome effect of the water on the skin, digital 3D and all if that doesn't take away from the original intent you had.


    i don't want to rate it because it doesn't make sense to me... yet! but this photo totally has potential if i could only spot the pokemon:) cheers





  5. feeling the rush despite the landscape shot, the curves and lines fading to distance caught me, fading into the distance and good on catching the car in mid frame, how long a shutter speed did you use? seems to be a monochrome but for the red blur, on the pillar though, in the foreground though, it almost seems to be too dominate in the forefront, like something else could add to it, couldn't think of what that would be, but liked the point of view you used of the freeway
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