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Posts posted by mark_harrington1

  1. Why don't you look on ebay? I purchased a 5' octabank from a company called Avonia (sp?). The octabank cost me $45.00 (new) and came with inserts to change the color from white to either silver or gold. It also came with a honeycomb grid. This system is well built and appears to me to be a complete rip off of the Photoflex system. The grid alone from photoflex is over $250. I think. At any rate, the price is roughly the same as for an umbrella and the kit stores neatly into a little bag.
  2. From a sales standpoint, could you generate more sales by archiving the images for say a year, then on or about the anniversary date writting the customer and asking if they would like to purchase the images on dvd? You could also let them know if they do not reply within 1 month the images will be destroyed?
  3. What would happen if you unknowingly picked up a virus? Wouldn't all of the drives be potentially affected whereas with a DVD your potential risk is limited?


    Perhaps a hybrid solution may be to continue with your current system and burn completed project files to a DVD for offline storage using automated backup software. With this approach you would gain several advantages: Safety, redundancy and project specific storage.

  4. As a professional salesman I would welcome this as an opportunity to make money. First I would answer the questions and ask a few of my own, such as:


    What are you looking for in a photographer?

    How will you be displaying the pictures that you purchase?

    How many pictures are you looking for in your album?

    Are you willing to pay for excellence?


    And of course many other questions, but you get the jist.

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